The world is suffering from the latest pandemic and things are getting worst as people stayed homes.
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Wait! I just mentioned “getting worst as people stayed homes”. Why it contradicts the idea then of limiting the Covid 19 virus’ spread?
I want to point out that I’m not against the idea of staying at home. It is a good and basic measure to fight the rapid Covid 19 Virus spread. But that’s only the good news part of it.
The bad news is, as people stayed homes, more and more they get bored. People stay up late at night watching youtube videos and endless Netflix movies. As internet technology boomed at this time of pandemic.
People’s health are getting compromised as they resort to unhealthy lifestyle and diet. More processed and junk foods while having fun over the internet at home.
Technology is good but it has also negative effects on people.
For more details. Read the full article here:
Staying at home without food, without a source kid livelihood can cause depression