Women literacy

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3 years ago

1.The distinction between men and women can be minimized through education. Ignorance will be seen behind every evil,

2,.Educating girls is most important factor In establishing earth population.

  1. when here in pakistan was terrorism girls could not go to schools and if they put a step outside the house for any reason they were killed brutally .. but now alhamdulillah everything is fine and literacy rate of women is increasing gradually...

Why is women's literacy important?

Breaking the cycle of illiteracy and improving self-esteem is crucial for women and girls in the developing world. By enabling them to become economically productive and independent, they become empowered and can take control of their lives.

What is female literacy rate?

For the third year in a row, average literacy rate of females aged between 15 and 49 years has shown an overall increase — 84.8% in 2016, 85.3% in 2017 and 87% in 2018.

What is the literacy rate for women in the US?

What is the literacy rate for women in the US?

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3 years ago
