Victory Day Happy Holidays! To remember .

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3 years ago

Guys! Let's live!" a quote from the film "Only" old men "go to battle as accurately as possible reflects the mood that hovers on the holidays before May 9. I think this is what the veterans who have gone through the horror of the war wanted to say, as a message to future generations.

In memory of that terrible war in the Park of St. Petersburg, where the "Alley of Glory" is located, historical reconstructions are regularly carried out. In April 2014, a section of the defense line was recreated here, where reconstructions, events, interactive excursions, "living history lessons" could be carried out. These are three lines of trenches with machine-gun cells on the coastal ledge, in the northern part of the park. On the sides there are two dugouts, recreated from documentary photographs of that time.

On June 22, 2014, on the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, the first reconstruction dedicated to the day of the beginning of the war took place here within the framework of the site prepared by search engines, reenactors and just volunteers.

Before the audience, pictures of the first hours of the war unfold: crossing the border, defending certain areas, attacking peaceful villages. They shoot with "blank" cartridges and shells, but the impression from this is no less strong than if they were "combat". You jump from every explosion, from every automatic burst.

The picture of the Belarusian village, which is attacked by the Nazis, disrupting the peaceful course of life, has been recreated.

The reconstruction involves the equipment restored by the search engines, which drives, shoots, everything is very realistic.

Smoke from explosions, rare military equipment against the background of high-rise buildings looks surreal and a little scary ... but what if it really is? Feelings are very contradictory ..

There are many spectators, some with families with children. And this is correct if you explain to children what it is and why, and not just perceive it as entertainment.

Therefore, I would like to remember about the Great Patriotic War even after its last participants pass away, so that it never happens again.

Nobody is eternal in the world, everything will go away, But the good name lives forever "

Saadi Even more photos from reconstruction.

Thanks for watching.

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3 years ago
