unfortunate for Pakistan

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3 years ago

It's unfortunate for Pakistan that we have all types of intellectuals less knowledgeable / raitb eaters / interestists / victims of religious or religious prejudice / unable to think above party affiliation Most of the intellectuals are among the above diseases. One, two or few are found and some have all these diseases. See the world on the contrary You will find their intellectuals either patriotic or humanitarian but all must be truly knowledgeable and wise.

The aim is to publish an article by Rafailo Pentochi in the renowned US magazine ′′ Foreign Policy ′′ two days ago that mentioned India's involvement in global terrorism. The article says the same thing. We have been saying for the past several years and not only because of saying this, we get the title of boot polishia from these night eaters. Praise be to Allah, we know this by the ′′ barking ′′ of these night eaters. It keeps happening that we are on the right path. (Using formula is because the number of patriots is extremely high than these fake intellectuals)

However, the author of this article published in Foreign Policy Rafailo Pentochi is an admin of an unknown website, no fake journalist, no big anchor but a senior associate fellow of the Britains Royal United Services Institute, International Center for the Study and Radiation at Kings. College London's associate fellow and visiting senior fellow of ′′ S Raja Ratnam School and International Studies Singapore ′′ whose research field is terrorism and counter terrorism.

Rafailo wrote that India and Pakistan used to be the center of most Indian terrorist actions but now the situation is changing. Global terrorism now includes Indian and Central Asian people even in the Syrian civil war. The Indians have also been partners by A.S. but the Indians have not been treated well in these terrorist groups as the Arabs usually consider Indians less and their employees. Despite this ′′ abuse ′′ A large number of Indians are involved in terrorism in every unstable area from the Middle East to Afghanistan. Jalalabad jail attack and terrorism on Sikh Gurudwara has been performed by Indian terrorists. According to Rafailo. Had tried to step into Indian occupied Kashmir too but local Kashmiris (Hurriyatists) thought it was appropriate to separate themselves from it. (This is the same matter when I wrote last year that Ajit Dowal was in Kashmiris. Trying to insert A.S. terrorists so that the global image of the local resistance movement can be spoiled). However, the Islamic state in Kashmir is bringing in large numbers of recruited terrorists from South India and Kerala which are recruited. Performing terror acts. (Pulwama attack is also a link to the same series). Rafailo says the churches that took place in Sri Lanka's Easter bomb blasts were also involved in South Indian terrorists who were Zakir Inspired by Nike's ideas, Jaha. Di was made.

The top of what Rafailo didn't mention in this article is the supply of electrical equipment to the Islamic State for explosive content that India did. Similarly, the names of countless Indian people, institutions and banks in terror finance. They have come forward but our intellectuals keep their lips on them. Here another question arises that when our intellectual Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, which is really the American and Indian project, is called the production of Pakistani state. ʿ. ạ. ʿ How did Indian terrorists come into existence without the will of Indian state institutions? However, the path which India, especially Modi government has walked, at the end, what will happen to them, but the disgrace that is coming and more will come in the fate of the Pakistani intellectuals, should be worth watching. Gyi.

Thanks to Jane Sartre

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3 years ago


Lack of intellectual thoughts and experimental knowledge is another unfortunate factor in Pakistan..!! A great article on this topic

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3 years ago

Great one..

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3 years ago