Thoughts on Victory Day are so different today .😀

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3 years ago

The role of the Spanish "children of war", who by the will of fate ended up in the Soviet Union in 1936, of course, cannot be compared with the contribution of the Russian people to the victory over fascism. But these young men and women, who often did not reach the age of majority by 1941, were such examples of heroism that it is worth remembering on the eve of Victory Day. Our famous author Andres Angulo is a descendant of one of the "children of war Angulo. He often talks about how his father was often asked, looking at his awards and veteran ID, how did he do it? So young - and already a hero .But boys and girls of Spanish descent were eager to fight. They were torn away from their parents, deceitfully transported to the USSR, where they found their new homeland, and understood that the Nazis were to blame for the worst thing that happened to them in life. Children spared no lives to repay the enemy for the pain of their families. In the USSR, the Spaniards found their second homeland, and overwhelmingly became Soviet in spirit. Even those of them who got the opportunity to return to their parents in Spain in three decades, were nostalgic for Russia to one degree or another. For her warm, kind people who provided children with shelter and bread.

There were also those who could not fit into Spanish life and returned. But the majority became accustomed and reached those heights that they could not have achieved in Russia. Francoist, mainly even post-Francoist Spain made a leap forward and created tolerable living conditions for its people. Such conditions, which the Russian people would be fully worthy of - the victor of fascism. Today Russians are happy to come to Spain, and even live here. It is known that thousands of families go to the warm coast of this country to provide their children with safety and comfort, to give hope for a well-fed and comfortable future. In his article today, Andres Angulo reflects "So why did the Patriotic War start?" He is sure that the goals of the war did not justify its unleashing, and the results did not lead to an improvement in the life of the population of the victorious country. It could not be otherwise. I think that each of us will answer this question differently. But the point of view presented in the article seems to me interesting.

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3 years ago
