Liaquat Ali Khan First PM of Pakistan and the killer Why, who,how? (Interesting Story) ( Biography)

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3 years ago

Complete Biography And life Story of Liaquat Ali Khan First PM of Pakistan

Written by RAASHID

Liaquat Ali Khan

  • Born in October 1895 in Karnal. Karnal was a city of Punjab at that time. After the administrative division of East Punjab, Karnal is now a city in the Indian state of Haryana.

  • Liaquat Ali Khan was considered a close associate of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah during the Muslim League and Tehreek-e-Hasool Pakistan.

  • On 15 August 1947, after the emergence of Pakistan, he was sworn in as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Important historical events before the martyrdom of Liaquat Ali Khan

  • Liaquat Ali Khan was invited to Moscow in June 1949 by the United States Soviet Republic (USSR) through its ambassador to Iran.

  • In which dated 14. August 20, 1949 A request was made to consider the dates of August 1949.

  • While Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, did not agree and rejected the invitation.

  • Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, was invited by the United States of America to visit the United States in 1950, which he accepted.

  • And dated 3. May 1950 to 26. Engaged in American tour until May 1950. First Lady Rana Liaquat Ali Khan was also his companion in this visit.

  • US President Harry S. Truman sent his plane, The Independence, to London to bring the Pakistani Prime Minister from London to Washington DC.

  • The President, along with his entire cabinet, personally received him at the national airport and honored him.

  • Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan gave a lecture on political science at Columbia University for which he was awarded an honorary degree by the university.

He then addressed the US delegation at Avon Lower House. He also addressed the House of the National Congress The Prime Minister and his wife and guests were greeted on the red carpet in New York by President Truman and a parade was held in their honor.

Addressing delegates from the United States Congress, he emphasized the importance of Pakistan's location and agreed to adopt a joint Pakistan-US strategy to counter potential threats posed by the Soviet Union.

Liaquat Ali Khan was so impressed by the American flattery that under a secret pact he gave the United States bases to spy on the Soviet Union on Pakistani soil.

Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister of a nascent nation struggling with economic planning, asked the US President for financial and moral support so that Pakistan could stand on its own two feet.

The United States gladly accepted the request because in return Pakistan had allowed the United States to establish bases on its soil against the Soviet Union.

Prior to Major General Ayub Khan's nomination as Commander-in-Chief, the most senior Pakistani Major General Muhammad Iftikhar Khan was nominated to replace Sir Douglas Grazi, Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Armed Forces.

But unfortunately his plane crashed and he 13. He was martyred in this accident in December 1949. To date, the inquiry report of his accident has not been made public.

Four officers for the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Armed Forces were brought under discussion.

The most senior of them is Major General Akbar Khan. Major General Ashfaqullah. Major General NAAM Raza and Major General Muhammad Ayub Khan.

Major General Ashfaqullah was not made Commander-in-Chief as he was a Bengali.

Major General NAAM Raza could not progress due to lack of administrative skills.

Iskander Mirza, Secretary, Ministry of Defense, Pakistan and Major General Ayub Khan reached a mutual agreement with Raz and Niaz.

Iskander Mirza, Secretary, Ministry of Defense, Pakistan and Major General Ayub Khan reached a mutual agreement with Raz and Niaz.

Under the plan of which Iskander Mirza took over the government and made a program to stay in power for a long time

The first part of the program was to make Major General Ayub Khan the Chief of Army Staff. For which Iskander Mirza lobbied hard to make Ayub Khan Commander-in-Chief and persuaded Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan to make Ayub Khan Commander-in-Chief.

Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan In January 1951, Major General Ayub Khan was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General and 23. In January, Ayub Khan took over as Commander-in-Chief.

In March 1951, Major General Akbar Khan and his wife Mohtarma Naseem Shahnawaz Akbar Khan. Public poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz. Air Commodore MK Janjua - Maj. Gen. Nazir Ahmed - Brigadier Sadiq Khan - Brigadier MA Latif Khan - Lt. Col. Ziauddin - Lt. Col. Niaz Muhammad Arbab - Capt. Khidr Hayat - Maj. Hassan Khan - Maj. Ishaq Muhammad - Capt. Zafarullah Pushni - Syed Sajjad Zaheer and Muhammad Hussain Ata. Was arrested on charges of plotting to overthrow the government.

  • Iskander Mirza, Secretary, Ministry of Defense and Commander-in-Chief, Muhammad Ayub Khan revealed the secret of this conspiracy to Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister ordered an operation against him.

  • Ayub Khan wrote in his book "Friends, Not Masters" that Major General Akbar Khan was appointed by me (Ayub Khan) as the Chief of General Staff in the GHQ so that his direct affiliation with the command of any army division Yes And keep a close eye on me.

  • Major General Akbar Khan in his statement said that the choreographer of the conspiracy is Commander-in-Chief Muhammad Ayub Khan. He feared that my presence in the army would thwart his intentions.

  • On April 28, 1951, the Iranian parliament elected Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh as Prime Minister, receiving 79 votes to 12. Dr. Mossadegh was a nationalist Iranian leader.

  • The Iranian prime minister carefully studied the fact that the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company is an arm of the British government and controls almost all of Iran's oil.

  • Due to this company, Iran is losing money in proportion to the world market and Iran is becoming economically unstable.

  • For these reasons, the Iranian Prime Minister decided to take Anglo-Iranian Oil (AIOC) into national custody.

  • 1. In May 1951, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was taken into national custody by Iran. The crisis was dubbed the "Abadan Crisis."

  • 25 In June 1950, war broke out between South Korea and North Korea.

  • The war was actually between two global groups.

  • The Soviet Union is one of North Korea's allies. China. Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Romania and Mongolia, while South Korea's allies were the United States. United Kingdom . Turkey France Italy A total of 29 countries were involved, including Israel and Pakistan.

  • In October 1950, US President Harry S. Truman demanded that Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan provide more military bases to the CIA.

  • Liaquat Ali Khan apologized for giving more bases, which caused a cold seal in US-Liaquat Ali Khan relations.

  • The United States has asked Liaquat Ali Khan to send two combat divisions to support US military operations in the Korean War.

  • Liaquat Ali Khan wanted to send two divisions of troops, but he asked the US President to assure support for Pakistan's position on Kashmir and Pakhtunistan.

  • That is because a map of Pakhtunistan came into circulation in the late 1950s, which was confidently claimed to have been prepared with US support.

  • In which the province of Pakistan NWFP. Balochistan Kabul, Afghanistan, along with Iranian Balochistan. Ghazni Jalalabad Khost Kunduz and Lashkar Gah were also included.

  • The United States has flatly refused to give any such assurance. In response, Khan decided not to send troops.

  • Pakistan's relations with the United States deteriorated further in 1951 when Pakistan was pressured to withdraw its troops from Kashmir.

  • In July 1951, US Ambassador Avra ​​Warren held several consecutive meetings with Prime Minister Liaquat Ali at intervals of a few days.

  • The United States began pressuring Khan to persuade Iran to transfer control of its oil fields to the United States.

  • Deploy Pakistani forces on the Iranian border and warn Iran that if it does not return the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Pakistan will attack Iran.

Liaquat Ali Khan refused to do so.

The United States has threatened to cut off economic aid to Pakistan. And in the case of Kashmir, the United States will not support Pakistan.

After listening to the conversation of the American diplomat, the mood of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan became bitter. And he said sarcastically:

"Pakistan has won half of Kashmir without US support and will get the other half."

Khan also demanded that the United States evacuate its military bases in Pakistan.

According to a split document, President Truman's presidency and Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan's statements and aggressive mood for US foreign policy were "bomb blasts".

US President Harry S. Truman has ordered CIA Director General Walter Bedell Smith to remove the role of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan from the Pakistani government.

Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan addresses his wife Rana Liaquat Ali Khan on October 16, 1951.

"Today he is going to address the nation in a way that will amaze the nation."

At 11:30 pm, the Governor General's plane landed at Chaklala Air Base Airport. After settling various issues at the Government Guest House, the Prime Minister of Pakistan reached East India Company Bagh, Rawalpindi at around 4:00 pm.

Where the people were eagerly waiting to receive their Prime Minister with great enthusiasm.

There was only one chair on the stage.

  • The proceedings of the public meeting began with the recitation of the Holy Qur'an. Shortly afterwards, Masood Sadiq, President Municipal Committee Rawalpindi, addressed a public meeting.

  • After him, the President of Pakistan Muslim League, Rawalpindi, Sheikh Muhammad Omar said a few words in honor of the Prime Minister.

  • And invited the Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan to address the grand public meeting.

  • The Prime Minister got up from his chair and reached the dice.

  • He adjusted the mic accordingly.

  • The Prime Minister had barely told the 'Brothers of the Nation' that the sound of two pistol shots was heard and Quaid-e-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan fell on the stage on his back.

  • A man of Afghan Pakhtun descent, who was sitting in front of the Prime Minister's dice on the seats reserved for VVIPs, was apprehended by the nearby police and a pistol was also seized from his hand.

  • And immediately Superintendent of Police Khan Najaf Khan shouted in Pashto, "Deh Cha Dza? Oka Ola" -

  • And Sub-Inspector Muhammad Shah played the last role in the conspiracy hatched by the conspirators by shooting the person who fired at the Prime Minister.

  • It was learned about the assassin of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan that his name is Syed Akbar Babrak. And is currently a resident of Hazara District.

  • The pistol with which Syed Akbar killed Liaquat Ali Khan was licensed by Deputy Commissioner Haripur a month ago.

  • Syed Akbar Babrak was so satisfied with the situation after his tragic crime that he had brought his 11-year-old son Dilawar Khan with him to the hall.

  • On November 1, 1951, the Government of Pakistan set up a three-member commission headed by Justice Muhammad Munir to conduct a judicial inquiry into the assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

  • The Commission of Inquiry conducted a total of 38 (38) investigative hearings.

  • Out of which 23 (23) times investigation hearing was held in Lahore while 15 (15) times hearing was held in Rawalpindi.

  • The Judicial Commission recorded the statements of ninety-nine (89) witnesses yesterday.

  • The following are a few basic facts about a stomp pad.

  • Syed Akbar (Assassin) was born in 1921 or 1922 in Khost, Afghanistan.

  • He was the son of Sardar Babrak Khan of the Zadran tribe.

  • When his father died, Syed's brother was elected the new chief of the Mazrak tribe.

  • During the tribal uprisings of 1944–1947 to support the restoration of King Amanullah Khan, Mazrak and Syed Akbar fought an armed uprising against the Afghan government.

  • This war from February 1944 to 11. Fighting until January 1947. The war ended with the victory of the Afghan government. And Syed Akbar migrated to Haripur with his family. And took up permanent residence here.

The Afghan government issued orders for the arrest of Syed Akbar, dead or alive.

In the British era (before August 14, 1947), Syed Akbar was described as a "B" bully and in some documents as a hired assassin.

Syed Akbar was barred from informing the concerned police station about his movements.

A day before the meeting, he accompanied the leaders and workers of Pakistan Muslim League in Liaquat Bagh in the preparations for the meeting and also gave pineapple juice to the organizers of the meeting.

According to the rules of protocol, in any VVIP meeting, important government employees, employees of security agencies are seated right in front of the stage keeping in view the security.

But in this public meeting, Syed Akbar was placed in the front row right in front of the dice of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan so that it would be easy to assassinate Liaquat Ali Khan.

Syed Akbar was paid a monthly stipend of Rs. 450/00 by the US government through the government of Pakistan as a refugee.

In 1951, this amount was no small amount.

A look at the body of Liaquat Ali Khan and the pistol bullets used in this heinous crime from the killer Syed Akbar revealed that these bullets were made in America which is not yet available in the market.

The bullets were given to U.S. military officers.

The investigation also revealed that a day before the murder, the secretary of the US ambassador in Karachi had absconded. "Holiday" was written in the table diary in October and then immediately deleted.

After the secretary's leave, Muhammad Hussain, an employee at the US embassy in Karachi, asked the secretary's British clerk about the leave.

The clerk called it a possible mistake. However, it was a "significant mistake" because "the secretary knew the embassy would be closed on October 17.

However, this day was not a holiday in any American or Pakistani calendar.

The Judicial Commission of Inquiry found in its investigation that Liaquat Ali Khan was killed to change the government in Pakistan.

The government of the day adopted a ploy to keep the judicial investigation secret from the public by saying that "the investigation report will not be published in the wider interest of the country and the nation".

On the other hand, the print media is accused of killing Liaquat Ali Khan instead of the real killers. Keep turning to India and sometimes to the Soviet Union.

It was also a shocking fact that General Akbar was accused of plotting to assassinate Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and overthrow him. Begum Naseem Akbar and other comrades, including left-wing public poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz, were behind bars and the real killers were roaming the security agencies, carrying out their agenda for their master America.

Justice Muhammad Munir, head of the commission set up to probe the murder of Liaquat Ali Khan (150 acres)

Land was allotted at Athar Hazari Barrage.

Meanwhile, SP Khan Najaf Khan, who was shot dead by Sub-Inspector Muhammad Shah shortly after Liaquat Ali Khan assassinated Syed Akbar, the assassin of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, was promoted to DIG and was given 240 acres of land. Allotted.

killer of liaquat ali khan . named as Syed Akbar Babrak
He was shoted with this gun

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3 years ago


I don't know about Liaquat Ali Khan.. Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great writing dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He is a legend and you wrote it in so detailed manner

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Liaqat Ali khan was great Muslim leader . We can't unteach his services for our nation and country . You explained your ideas very well about this leader. Thank you for sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Our legend hero 😍😍😍 Informative history thanks for sharing..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Detailed written historical facts about Liaquat Ali Khan

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonder full history of a great man

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Liaqat ali khan was sincere companion of quaid e azam. He played vital role freedom of Pakistan. He will be remembered for years

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3 years ago