I mean, for the money, you have to pay so that we can take it.

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3 years ago

I am sometimes amazed at the greed of people. I have been living in the Krasnodar Territory for the fifth year, and all the years I have been amazed. The first time I posted an ad to a local group that I could share a batun onion and wild garlic from Siberia, you know, with a wide leaf.

The soil turned out to be too fertile here, everything grew so that it was time to sell. But since I am not a huckster, I simply asked that if anyone has extra tulip bulbs, I would be glad to take it for an exchange, but if not, then it is not necessary. Seven people responded at once. I said the address, the first woman arrived, give me everything, she says. I said that six more people are already going after them, what I will tell them, and why do you need so many? It turned out to be for sale, she got sick all over, she left, taking what I gave her. The rest arrived, no one had tulips. But instead, they brought so many gifts that it was inconvenient for me to accept them. Then I also handed out bushes of raspberries and strawberries. A lot of people are moving to our village, they were taken away. And this spring, something went wrong with me. I always plant a lot of seedlings, hoping that when they germinate, I will take the strongest ones, I will throw out the rest, but every year, they all sprout the same way, and it is a pity to throw them away. After a couple of months, realizing that this is very, very much for me, I write an ad to the group, I will give seedlings of pepper, eggplant and tomatoes for a chocolate bar according to the action. In our store, special offer chocolate costs thirty-nine rubles. Five people called, in total, I gave them about two hundred roots, and none of them brought me the promised chocolate bar. It's a shame. Well, figs with her, with seedlings, let it grow. Today I was just shocked by the insolence of people when I put up an ad that I would sell pallets and a bunch of boards left over from the construction site, for five hundred rubles, for firewood, I need to pick it up in a big car, and I attached four photos with this stuff.

And here messages poured into me in a personal message. I mean, you sell, you still have to pay for us to take it. I'm shocked, why should I pay you, last year I bought a cube, for eleven thousand, I give about four Cubes for firewood, and not only, a lot of good long boards remained from the formwork, plus eighteen more pallets from under the block ... And I have to give all this to you for free, I understand if I gave away the old rotten boards, yes. And these ones have not even darkened yet. A couple of people called after, asked, free of charge, I explain that I wrote the same, five hundred rubles. In general, I freaked out, removed the ad. Later, a neighbor from the next street, drove up, asked whether I sold it or not, I say I won't sell anything else. Begged for neighbors. He really needed the formwork to pour concrete for the fence. And the board this year is a cube, thirteen thousand already. I gave it away. But I swore nafig, I will not sell anything else and I will not give it away, I’d better throw it away. Why do I need this. Earned extra money called.

Thank for watching.

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3 years ago
