Ever felt alive ...?

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3 years ago

Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally? Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally? Consciousness Think Idea imagining.. Feelings ... Emotions ... Memo ... And dozens of such words in every language in the world. All these attributes are immaterial, do not exist, but these attributes show that they are alive. Justify life The most beautiful and precious thing in this universe is life.

Compare your survival to a lifeless stone.

It will shock you. This stone exists but cannot feel its presence. If you ever think about it, you will realize how unique it is to feel your presence. There is nothing more wonderful in this innumerable universe than life. Just think for a moment that these rocks, mountains, planets, stars, galaxies have existed for billions of years, and have always been wandering in the vastness of this universe. But there is no life in them. There is no life in them. Therefore, all these are meaningless and meaningless. Not all of them have a sense of belonging.

While we Those who have life will live for a very limited time

. But we are not as insignificant as a lifeless star. We live for a very short time compared to the age of the universe. And that's what we "living" people can only think of. We can see ourselves, we can see the universe. Nothing else in this universe has a sense of its own existence and existence. Look at life, feel your presence. Appreciate yourself and others. Appreciate this little life. Try to break the shackles of self-made and meaningless traditions and live life to the fullest. There is nothing more beautiful in this whole universe than life and being alive and this life is found only once.

Smile Be a reason to smile for others. Make love Share love Life is too short, life is priceless, don't let it go to waste

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3 years ago
