Behavior of AIDS patients in Pakistan

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Avatar for raashid
3 years ago

Its sad to know that.

  • the number of AIDS patients in Pakistan is one lack and forty thousand,

  • including 99 thousand men

  • and 43 thousand women.
    Only 20% of them know about their disease, only 16% tests are done while only 9 percent of people fill their supporters for treatment.

  • The sensitive increase in the spread of #AIDS will surely bring us in the queue of countries like Sudan, Somalia and Congo in the future.

The future will tell how the nation will fight AIDS due to terrorism, poverty, inflation and economic misery.

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3 years ago


Its sad to know that.

According to a research, the number of AIDS patients in Pakistan is one lack and forty thousand, including 99 thousand men and 43 thousand women. Only 20% of them know about their disease, only 16% tests are done while only 9 percent of people fill their supporters for treatment. The sensitive increase in the spread of #AIDS will surely bring us in the queue of countries like Sudan, Somalia and Congo in the future.

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3 years ago