Ten reasons why you should add Kenya on your travel list-Part One

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3 years ago

Kenya is a gorgeous country situated in East Africa; known for it's scenic landscapes and vast wildlife preserves. Alot of people have a specific image painted in their head of how many African countries look, but unfortunately it's not entirely accurate. Kenya is known for it's rich plantations and the famous hippopotamuses.
You may wonder, if those are the two highlights, what is so great about Kenya.
I'm going to tell you now!
Get ready, as we explore this gorgeous country.

1- Beaches

Most of us love to go to the beach, sit down relax, play in the sand, and just spend time with friends and loved ones. Kenya is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, along their shores lined with gorgeous, soft, white sand.

Often times, the best time to end your fun road trip in Kenya, is to hit the beach. It's waters are so calming, and as gorgeous the white sand. The weather is mostly great for the beach. Sit back relax, and take a sun tan at the Kenyan coast, you certainly won't regret it.
Beach Recommendation: Diani Beach

2- The Weather

Kenya has the ultimate holiday weather. The rainy season, which mostly occurs in April to May, this does not stop Kenya's superb weather satisfying the gorgeous country, all year round.

Though the weather patterns have changed a bit over the years, whether it be due to global warming, or whatever other natural causes, it is still relatively stable since Kenya is located on the equator not susceptible to 'crazy' temperature variations.

3- Safaris with the 'Big Five'

When you speak about the big five in Kenya, they're talking about, the lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard and the rhino.

These five amazing animals dominate the Safaris and can be found in numerous parks. There are times where you may not see all of them at one park, but once you venture around to different safaris, you would be sure to see them there in great stature. The big five is certainly something you can look forward to when visiting Kenya, you'll not only be to see the gorgeous animals, but learn amazing things you may not have known about them.

4- The Mt Kenya Story

Mount Kenya can be viewed on your way to Samburu. With great weather, that is clear as day you can see the highest mountain in Kenya, at approximately 5199 meters above sea level. Mount Kenya is the second highest mountain in Africa after Kilimanjaro (5895 meters). One of the most interesting things about the mountain is, this is where the country got it's name from, 'Kenya.'

5- The Flamingos

Imagine how beautiful a pink covered lake would look, you may want to take pictures all day if you get the chance. Lake Bogoria is the home of thousands of flamingos, just hanging out and basking in the sun. It is one of the rift valley lakes and has such a great concentration of pink algae. This is what flamingos feed on and is actually what gives them their pink colour.
This is a surely a site to behold, and it's a memory you would hold dear to you 'for years' once you experience it.

6- Birder's Paradise

If you're a bird lover, then Kenya is most definitely the place for you. Kenya is known for it's rich diversity in bird species, over 1134 bird species recorded. These birds can be found in many different environments; from desert to swamps, rainforests to savannahs, grasslands to lake regions. Yes you would have fun with your camera, but it would also increase your appreciation for the vast variety of species that you might not have seen or heard of before.

7- Rich Art

The Kamba community of Kenya is home to a world renowned artists, that are masters of wood art. This community has been able to master the art of curving wood. Another community, called the Kisii community, the curve soap and stones.
Cool right?

Another community also does bead work; this is the Masai community.
The Kikoi community is known for weaving!
All these and many more hand work and crafts can be seen in Kenya.
You don't only have the chance to buy their work, but you can learn from them and make your own crafts someday.

8- Amazing Marine Life

As a Marine Biologist, this aspect of Kenya stood out to me the most.

The Kenyan coast is laden with wildlife, so much so that they chose to conserve the creatures there. You can go diving and enjoy the beautiful sights under the ocean, including the corals. It is a completely different world on its own, an experience of a lifetime. The waters are usually more clearer and easier to dive from July to August, but other times it isn't that bad either, you can still get through the water fine and take pictures of the gorgeous marine life. Water temperatures are comfortable for diving all year round. It is an activity to consider adding on to your list.

9-Hiking Paradise

The country is definitely a hiker’s paradise. Experienced or not, there is something instore for you. Mount Kenya as we mentions before, is a great place for such activity. Just set aside several days for this activity though, it may take you a while to get to the top. Another great destination for hikers is Ngong hills, with easily accessible forest tracks. Other places to go hiking include Hell’s gate national park, Mt Longonot among many others.

10- Trip to Nairobi

Nairobi is known as the city in the sun!
You may be wondering, the sun? Who wants to get burned.
Don't worry about that!
Nairobi has alot to offer!

From game safaris in Nairobi National park, to feeding the giraffe in Giraffe center or watching elephants feed in Sheldrick’s Orphanage. In case you're not already enthused, there are lots of amazing hotels nearby, that you can choose from.
Yes they go from affordable to high-class, and of course the choice is yours, whatever your pocket can handle.
If you like your belly, there are lots of restaurants nearby as well, you will be 'spoilt for choice.'

Have I convinced you yet?
Where would you venture into first, when you get to Kenya?

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3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I never looked at Kenya with such a approach.. amazing..truly amazing.. i did not know Kenya had beaches !!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed they do. It is indeed worth visiting once Corona eases us up!.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeas you have convinced me and honestly this is a hard decisions to make on which to venture first between all this awesomeness you just shared.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah you are correct and i think its a wonderful place to live in kenya and on day i will visit kenya and it is rich in nature wow

$ 0.00
3 years ago