Looking for the perfect pet? A Rabbit perhaps?

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2 years ago

They could be adorable and affectionate. They're as lively as a puppy or kitten, but they're also curious, mischievous, and chewers. You'll quickly realize that chewing is one of your new pet's favorite pastimes if your kids leave their clothes on the floor or if you have tassels and strings hanging from your drapes or furniture. If you have a Rabbit as a house pet, you should never leave him alone at home. Also, if your computer or other of your gadgets stops working, look for tooth marks on the electrical cord.

You'll almost probably incur some costs in preparing a house for your new companion. To keep him out of mischief at night or while you're not looking, you'll need a hutch or cage. Your pet supply store will most likely have a variety of housing options at various rates. Build one yourself if you're handy with tools. Just don't use chicken wire or slats that are too close together, and make sure there's nothing in the way of the rabbit getting wounded. Don't cage your rabbit for too long. They're gregarious creatures who become lonely easily.

Other costs could include routine veterinary care, which you should give for any pet. Spaying and neutering, immunizations, and flea treatment are all recommended. Also, keep an eye out for additional health issues, particularly those that are unique to rabbits.

Because rabbits dislike being handled, they are not suitable as a lap animal or a companion for children. They are quiet, tidy, and prefer to be left alone for the most part. They do, however, prefer a vast space to wander around in and investigate. Make certain they have enough space to exercise. Allow unfettered access to their hutch by installing a door. If they have a safe place to go, they feel more at ease.

Rabbit owners all agree that their pets are wonderful. All, like most other pets, have distinct personalities, form strong bonds with their owners, and are easily trained using treats and tactics similar to those used to train dogs.

However, we cannot stress enough the importance of doing your homework. If you think a rabbit would be a good pet for you, contact a local animal shelter. 

Always keep in mind that any pet need love and attention. Rabbits, by their own nature, require a little more attention than a dog or cat. Make sure you're serious about it.

What kind of pet do you own now, if any?
If you don't have a pet, have you been considering one lately? If not, why not?

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2 years ago
