Increase your website's traffic

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3 years ago

Learn how to move from this-

to this-

with these useful tips.

Whether you have access to free or payable website traffic builders or sites you must consider a few factors. These factors would determine if the site or what they're offering is in accordance with your requirements or what you're looking for.
Website owners are looking for shortcuts to bring their website on the top, to match or beat their competitors on a search list, why can't you too?

Look at this.

The first thing you need to check when choosing a company to advertise for you is their 'Feasibility.' What exactly is the company offering? Does their offers agree with what I'm looking for? Ask yourself these questions, and don't be shy to write down before hand, exactly what you expect from a website building site.
Secondly, are you able to decipher between targeted and non-targeted traffic?
One word explains this concept, and it is demographics. Ensure the company is offering this feature as it would be able to tell you who may be interested in your product and or content (targeted) and who might not be, (they can be prospective customers). This is a very important feature, as you would know where to send updates on your website, in other words to people are who are mostly interested in your product(s) and or content. Also please note, that you should only consider spending heftily on your target markets. For example, don't spend alot of money on Spain, if you know your market is in Brazil, be practical!.

Ad formats is also a very important tool to look out for!
Make sure you understand the ad format you are going to get. It may include images, texts, pop-ups, fixed ads or rotating ads, for instance. Most companies prefer pop-under or pop-up ads on their sites where the URL is given.

This is just like PPC or Google AdWords but is more affordable because of competitive PPC or PPV pricing model.

Even though providers guarantee traffic, it might not be targeted traffic.
They may have plans that start from 1000 visits going well up to 100,000 visits.
Most sites would have plans that you can purchase, giving you the option of increasing visits, per hour or weekly etc? Sadly in some cases there is no way to know if your traffic are real people or bots even though some companies guarantee that their traffic generation is 100% human.
Do your search, do alot of digging and learn about this part of the company before purchasing.

Lastly, we'll look at Sales and Conversions.
There is no guarantee that the traffic will offer good conversion rates. If you end up buying from a fraudulent provider, you will get fraudulent clicks or fake visitors. So, you won't get any sales.
Keep in mind, that buying traffic may not guarantee sales, but once you acquire traffic from top notch and credible sites/companies with these requirements listed, you can be well on your way to generating thousands of sales.

Please keep these tips in mind when thinking about spending your hard earned money on website traffic sources.
Nothing comes easy, it comes with time and dedication.
Do your research and kickstart your blog, business, etc with the right tools!

I'll just share with you two sites I use to generate traffic to my landing pages, they work great.
Incase you're wondering no they're not fraudulent, they use a point system.
You help someone they help you, easy as that!

1-10K Hits-

2-Social Spinner-

Thanks for reading!!

$ 0.32
$ 0.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
