My Father: A Hero without Supernatural Powers

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3 years ago (Last updated: 10 months ago)

I may not be very close with my Dad but I love him very much. He loves his children dearly and equally. He may be strict to us but I know he is doing it for our own good. My Daddy is a pastor and he carries a very heavy burden. But despite that, he never loses time for his family. For me, he is the most amazing person in the whole world.

  • My Dad is very supportive.

I still remember the very first day I went to elementary school. I came late so I was feeling very shy and nervous but my Dad was with me and told me not to be shy and encouraged me to go inside the classroom and participate in class.

It was also during my first time joining a contest, specifically, an English reading contest when I saw my Dad's widest smile. I was very nervous that time because I don't know what to do and my parents are not with me. Thank God, I won first place. When I walked out of the room, I was surprised to see my Dad with a very big smile and I can tell from his smile and his eyes that he is so proud of me. That time, my Dad is already a pastor but he was also selling fish (riding in a motorcycle and goes to other places) to provide for our needs, especially for the milk and other baby stuff for my siblings. I saw that my Dad hasn't changed his clothes yet. I knew that he went directly to school to watch my contest. I was so happy back then. Up until now, I still remembered the nostalgic feelings I felt that time.

When I go to other places to join competitions, my Dad can't go with me because he was busy but he reminds me all the time that he will be supporting me always. He also tells me to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding (which can be read in Proverbs 3:5). That's why it became my habit to recite that Bible verse before every contest.

When I was in Grade 3. I was told by my adviser that there are Math classes/tutorials on the next municipality which will be held on Saturday. I really wanted to go because Mathematics is my favorite subject and I want to learn more. I was doubtful because I know that every Saturday, my Dad is going to preach the word of God, so nobody can accompany me. But my Dad told me that he will go with me and he will share God's word there while waiting for my classes to finish. I can't forget those times and how happy I am especially when my Dad always bought snacks for me (best part HAHAHAHAHA).

When it was my first time with my sister to sing in front of a large crowd, my Dad was also there. He was the one who taught us. He was the one who played the guitar. He was the one who encouraged us to sing.

When I was in Grade 10, there was a debate in our Political Science subject. At first, I really wanted to be on the affirmative side but then, I was put on the opposition team. I don't know what to say so I asked my Mom about it because I'm not that close with my Dad but my Dad heard me and he gave me lots and lots of reasons and rebuttals. I gave other information to my teammates because I can't say everything due to the the limited time. Because of those, our team won during the debate.

I also joined a spelling contest. I forgot about other rules and 'exceptions to the rule' in reading and spelling. So I decided to text my Mom and ask her about it because she is a teacher and she knows those. I didn't know that my Dad brought the phone with him. He replied telling me that it was him and told me about the rules that he knew. He also told me that he prayed for me to win the competition.

  • My Dad is a 'man of his word'. He is a man of principle.

What my Dad says, I know he will fulfill it. He stands for what he said. I remember when I was in Grade 6, another contest was scheduled on Sunday. Sunday is the Lord's day and it is the time of our worship so I told my teacher that I can't go with them. When Sunday came, one of the teachers went to our house to convince my Dad to let me go with them, but my Dad stood firm on his stand and didn't change his mind. I was very thankful that my Dad is a man who loves God, first of all.

I remember back then, my Dad always tells us that if we keep on going out during church services, he will spank us. We wouldn't listen and still goes out even if the service is still going on. That's why after the church service, we will always be spanked (HAHAHAHAHA). And thanks to those, by God's grace, now we are disciplined not to go out during church services.

  • My Dad is my savior.

It happened during our church's Family Day. We went to the beach to celebrate it. Me, my sister, and my Dad were swimming, we were riding/floating using a 'salbabida' (I don't know what it is in English). Me and my little sister don't know how to swim. We were competing with other church members on who will reach the farthest. We've reached very far and it was so deep. My Dad decided to push back the 'salbabida' so we can go back. When my Dad let go of the 'salbabida' so he can push it to the opposite side, me and my sister lost balance. We lost hold of the 'salbabida'. We drowned. I drank a lot of seawater. My Dad tried his best to lift the both of us while shouting for help. He was a having a hard time trying to save us both. He really tried to do his best until help came. That was a near-death experience. I thank God because He has given us another chance to live and my Dad for doing all he can to save us.

  • My Dad is the strongest person I've ever known.

My Mom only told me this recently. My Dad and Mom didn't have a child for three years. When my Mom finally became pregnant, they were so happy. Especially when they knew that they're having twins, both girls. When we finally came to this world, they were more happy. After a few days, my Dad was told by our doctor to buy medications for my twin sister. That's when my Dad knew that my twin has complications. When my Dad went home to my Mom, he was smiling. When my Mom asked him how are we, he smiled and told my Mom that we are okay. After six days, my twin sister died. My Mom was very hurt but my Dad never left her side and he keeps on comforting her even though he is obviously hurting, too. He told my Mom not to give up because I am still here, that she needs to take care of me, she needs to keep on going because another baby is waiting for her. My Dad never showed my Mom that he is crying and my Mom said that she is very thankful for that because if ever she saw my Dad crying, maybe she would lose hope and will be hurting more.

  • My Dad is very versatile.

He is a multitasker. He can almost do everything. He is like Superman. He is a pastor but he can also be a carpenter, an electrician, a painter, a welder, a musician, and many more.

  • My Dad is very patient, humble, thoughtful, caring and the list goes on. I can't enumerate it all.

I really thank God for giving me a father like him. Maybe I don't say it to my Dad a lot of times but I really love him.

If I were to have a spouse in the future, I would like him to be like my Dad. My Dad has set the standards way too high. My Dad is the best.

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3 years ago (Last updated: 10 months ago)


I hope all tatay have that. My father didn't care at me and I didn't care at him physically but I care at him emotionally. Good article indeed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you ❀ It's good that you still care for him. He's still your father

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nakaspam ka pa rin

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haller! I'm here haha. First of all, this article was so nice. I love your, dad. He really is the best. And I love how you cherish him and appreciates everything that he has done for you. I can see now that he raised you up in such a nice way. With proper foundation. That's what happen when God is in the center of your family. Oh I love your family.

Anyway, this is just about me and it's not related to your article but I just feel the need to share it. This article really melts my heart. I mean, I am teary eyed the moment I have seen the title. Or the word "father" rather. I'm almost crying as I go on in reading this. I lost my father when I was seven and never did I experienced going to school with my father accompanying me. I'm not really sad or any negative because I grew up with an overflowing love with my family but this father thing really hits differently. I mean, arrrghh I can't explain it. You have so many moments and I have none. If ever that I have I already forgot all about those since I was still so young back then.

I'm not making sense in here. I can't even get what i'm saying anymore. I'll just end it in here. Always appreciate your father like the way you are doing it now. Be a good daughter and a good servant of the Lord. May God bless you and your family. Always and in all ways. :))

PS. i'm not depressed or anything. this article just made me a little bit sentimental. i'm just like this form time to time. whenever I encounter scenarios just like what you have told in here haha

PPS. told you, my comment is an article. and you made me cry :)))))))

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ate, sorry for making you cry :<<< Even though that's what happened, I know your father is so proud of you ❀ God bless you, ate.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No need to say sorry dear. Thank you hehe :) I got a whole bunch of brothers. 4 brothers, plus 2 brother in laws. plus unending cousins. it's more than enough. :))

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Salamat sa pagshare mo ng kwento tunkol sa iyong tatay. Masaya ako kasi may tatay ka na handang tumulong at gumabay sa iyo sa kahit anong tatahakin mo. Mmmm di din kasi ako nakakarelate kasi may tatay ako pero parang wala akong tatay. πŸ˜… Ano bang feelings na may tatay? Palage ko yang tanung. But treasure that moments. Habang nariyan pa ang tatay mo Salamat ulit sa pag share.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you po ❀ Yes po, I wil l treasure my Dad.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh treasure that moment πŸ’š Wondering How it feels to have a DadπŸ’š

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, I will pooo ❀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your dad must be very proud of you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He always says that poo ❀ Thankful for a father like him

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They are kings with a captain mindset. Our dads lead us to where we go and look out for possible danger and protect us from the storm. ❀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes pooo. They are our real life heroes ❀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love this. I'm so proud with my dad tooπŸ˜šπŸ˜šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š He's my hero without capeπŸ˜³πŸ’š Balik ako dito ah naubos laman ng wallet ko hahhaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you, ate ah. First time may nag-upvote sakin dito ❀ Na-momotivate na akong magsulat.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

May nag downvote kasi as first article mo, kaya siguro naka spam. Do you have an account on telegram?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Siguro po. Yes, meron po.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good news! Hindi kana aka spam! Yehey rusty will surely visits your article na. Sali ka gc namin? Dm me @caris05

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeheyyy. Sige pooo ❀ Thank you, ate.

$ 0.00
3 years ago