Visiting mineral water sources in mountains

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Water, Source, Mountain

Yesterday I took my daughter and my wife to visit my garden inherited from my grandfather which is located in mountains and far from settlements, to get to garden we have to walk because there are no roads that can be passed by vehicles.

What I like is that we have to walk along a small river that has lots of rocks and has very clear water, this river is one of sources of clean water for residents here, a river that never dries up during dry season and is never cloudy when it rains heavily, this river is located in down near my grandfather's estate.

Along this small river, there are many hoses to drain clean water that reaches people's homes to be used as water needs every day, no need to pay monthly fees. One of advantages of living in mountains, has a water source full of minerals and air is still very fresh.

It seems that my daughter really enjoys traditional tour to visit garden which is located in middle of forest and far from settlements, this is her first experience following river that springs water in mountains.

Recommendation to drink at least eight glasses of mineral water per day or according to body's needs so that it is beneficial for health of the body, you must have often heard.

There is plenty of evidence that drinking less mineral water can cause dehydration. It can even cause body's fluid balance to be disturbed, joint disorders, digestion, and skin become wrinkled.

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Water is main component of body. Adequate intake of water is necessary to function properly because water contributes to maintaining normal physical, cognitive, and body temperature functions. If body is properly hydrated, digestive and metabolic processes will be smooth. Even when body is sick, drinking enough water can help healing process.

Question is, are all mineral water same and can provide benefits to body?

Usually mountain water comes from rainwater that falls on mountain. Water then seeps into ground. In end, water reappears to ground through water sources that are often found on mountain slopes and ravines between hills. Advantages that make mountain water so good for body are actually not new. Humans have been using it for a long time as a source of drinking water.

First, related to environmental conditions around water sources. Mountain water comes from water sources in unspoiled areas. Environment is still beautiful and maintained so that water is free from contamination. Of course this really determines the quality of the water. Thus, pollutants and bacteria that harm body are guaranteed to be minimal. In contrast to ordinary water which is not necessarily sourced from a good area and environment.

Second, mountain water has the potential to present a variety of minerals needed by body. As previously mentioned, rainwater that falls will seep into ground and pass through rocks which act as a natural filter. In that process, a number of minerals that come from nature also flow in the water. This is called natural mineralization.

Usually there are several types of minerals that are often found in mountain water. Silica, magnesium and calcium, sodium and potassium, zinc and selenium are the most common types of minerals found from mountain water. Each mineral has a different role and function that is beneficial to the body. This is what ordinary water does not have. Minerals that are beneficial to the body are not contained in it. There are no additional benefits obtained when drinking it other than fulfilling hydration.

This is one of the reasons why people who live in the mountains have better health, because they eat natural foods and have abundant and healthy mineral water.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Water, Source, Mountain


Mbiyen pernah di gawakne paklek ku kang banyu teko gunung iku. Rasane podo karo banyu biasane cuma lebih seger.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I have tasted mountain water, it tastes different and good. But make sure the water source has a continuous flow of water. Stored water even in mountains can't be fit for drinking but running water is the cleanest.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Such water is best to drink because it contains a lot of natural minerals and nutrients which are essential for us. Blessings unmatched!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Good to see your wife and daughter touching the mineral water in the mountains qheer. I hope you are all enjoying with your adventures with nature. Glad to bump with you today. Nice meeting you and my warmest greetings from Ph. Have a nice time.

$ 0.02
2 years ago