Valuable and adorable little bird

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1 year ago
Topics: Bird, Pet, Lovebirds

Lovebirds are adorable little birds and now still occupy at top position of birds that are popular among bird lovers. Even for bird race, lovebird is still number one. This can be seen from enthusiasm of participants and buyers.

Lovebird's popularity is sticking out because of its beautiful feather colors and distinctive voice. In recent times, variations have also increased because many lovebird breeders have developed. Because of its popularity, in market, this bird can be priced at a fantastic price, depending on type and quality.

Why is it that expensive? It all depends on color of fur. Lovebirds that have unique and rare feather patterns, price can reach tens of millions of rupiah. Lovebirds are considered good and beautiful when colors are rare and difficult to find. However, you need to remember also that more expensive type of lovebird, maintenance also requires extra energy.

If price can be that expensive, then hobby of keeping lovebirds can be a very profitable income. If you are interested in keeping a lovebird, there's nothing wrong with looking for references first. You can read various magazines about this bird, or you can watch videos on YouTube that discuss how to raise lovebirds in a profitable way.

I've seen an explanation of one of videos on YouTube, raising lovebirds is relatively easy and cheap. This is because lovebirds do not need extra care and price of lovebird feed is also still cheap.

Are you interested in trying to breed lovebirds? If you are interested in breeding lovebirds, I've read from various sources, that lovebirds have unique characteristics and facts that you may need to know.

  • Lovebirds usually don't talk

This fact is quite astonishing because they are admired for their voice. It turns out that, although lovebirds are parrots and have ability to imitate human speech, lovebirds are not considered a talking bird. That's because they very rarely decide when to be able to speak.

If a lovebird chooses to imitate sounds, it will usually repeat simple sounds like a whistle or house sounds like a doorbell more often. So it is not known why there are lovebirds who are more likely to imitate speech. Most likely because pet lovebirds have been taught from an early age.

  • Lovebird, One Of The Smallest Parrot Species

Physical lovebirds are smaller than the average parrot family. On average, most lovebirds are between 5 and 7 inches long when fully grown. Size is measured from beak to tip of tail feathers. Cause to this cuteness, many lovebird lovers find it easier to care for than larger parrot species, such as cockatoos.

  • Lovebirds don't have to be in pairs

Have you heard information that if lovebirds are not kept in pairs, they will die of depression? It turns out that this is a big mistake and just a myth. It is true that lovebirds are type of bird that should be socially stimulated. But there are also many bird owners who only keep them singly and there are no problems.

If birds are kept in pairs it will make attachment to each other and avoid interaction with humans. So, for those of you who want to care for birds with love, it would be better to keep a single lovebird.

  • Very Active Lovebird

Because it belongs to parrot family, lovebirds are very active and need a little exercise outside cage to have excellent physical condition. Those of you who want to keep it must be willing and ready to provide a safe place to play outside its cage for a few hours per day. Apart from exercising all muscle groups it needs to stay healthy, it also provides important mental stimulation for this intelligent animal.

So, how are my ReadCash friends? Are you interested in keeping this adorable intelligent bird? Remember, when you decide to keep this bird, take good care of it so that it can also entertain you with its beautiful chirping and feather patterns.

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1 year ago
Topics: Bird, Pet, Lovebirds


Love birds are the sign of love and nature۔۔ As a part of nature these makes you happy and their presence makes your mood pleasured

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Aku biyen due lebet malah di gondol wong kang. arep tak dol kang, malah di gondol sak kandange. Apes tenan

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Iku tandane sampean dikon rasah mgingu manok kang. Hahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lovebirds seem to make people calm just by looking at them playing around in their cage, they are just so cute. Maybe I'll try to have some of them too.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I am also having love birds in my house and they can make sound of cats and whistles

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I love Love Birds my friend. They are so cute. I seldom saw a birds that's why everytime I saw them I felt excited and happy.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Birds are very nice to breed and no need for a big space for hassle at the same time you will be fascinated to look at them in their cage.

$ 0.01
1 year ago