Some of reasons I choose freelance as a way to get income

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2 years ago
Topics: Work, Freelance, Income
I am a freelance foam mattress seller, work according to time I want. lol

Tapid development of technology has made many changes to many things. Both in terms of job position, salary, work location, to working hours. Today many people prefer to work flexibly or in other words they can work without having to be tied to office hours and daily work hours which sometimes feel very long and boring.

One way to have a more flexible work location and time is to become a freelancer. I prefer to be a freelancer because I have a lot of time for my family and I can adjust my work time so that I can still earn income to survive. lol

Being a freelancer does look more comfortable, but there are some things you must know before you decide to become a freelancer, because being a freelancer is not as easy and comfortable as you think. One of the toughest obstacles for freelancers is that they do not have a basic salary and facilities from companies that are usually accepted by permanent employees.

Freelancers or commonly referred to as freelancers are jobs that are not bound by a long-term contract but still have a strong working bond with company. Contract given to this freelancer usually only contains project, design, processing time, and also fees charged. Fees charged to these freelancers will also vary depending on difficulty of project and also time of work.

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In general, ordinary employees or commonly referred to as full-time workers will work Monday until Friday with working hours ranging from 7-8 hours a day. Ordinary employees generally have a fixed monthly salary and are required to work in a predetermined place such as an office, shophouse, or factory. This is in contrast to freelancers who prioritize flexibility both in terms of working time, location, or work done.

Why did I choose to be a freelancer?

Some of reasons I became a freelancer because it has many advantages.

First is that they are not bound by working hours, freelance work is judged not by presence of office attendance, but from results. This factor makes freelance work very suitable for me who has time constraints but can still get the job done well.

Foam mattress that I sell

Second is free of work location, being a freelance also has advantage of not being required to be present at work. This factor makes freelance work very suitable for me who prefer to give more time to children and family.

Third is about income, salary earned by a freelancer is fluctuating or uncertain. Income generated will depend on number of projects being worked on, because I am a freelancer in selling foam mattresses, so salary I receive depends on number of sales I get. This allows me to manage whether I want to earn more or just enough to meet my monthly needs.

Those are some of reasons that have made me stay loyal to being a freelancer until now, maybe being a writer here is also included in work as a freelancer because it is not tied to working hours, workplace, and you can work anywhere even if you are traveling.

How about you? Are you same as me, being a full-time freelancer or concurrently as a full-time and freelance worker?

The most important thing is to still love whatever your profession and work! This can increase your enthusiasm in completing work and make you more grateful because there are still many unemployed people out there who need work.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Work, Freelance, Income


Podo kang. Aku yo saiki prefer dadi freelancer soale lebih penak kerjaane. Waktune iso di tentukan awake dewe, gawean ra mesti ning siji nggon, oleh duit gak mesti ngenteni sak wulan. Pokok e wuakeh penak e.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Whahaha, masio nang tonggo dikiro nganggur. Padahal income melebihi kuli pabrikan. Wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yo ngono kui kang.. opo meneh tonggo ku. Nek kor meneng enek omah yo dadi lambe, nek muleh ku bengi Yo di takoni kerjo neng ngendi wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am working 🥺, tied in the office for eight hours. Though I am planning to shift in freelancing or maybe wfh set up

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If you are planning to switch to being a freelancer, you should think carefully sis! Being a freelancer is not as easy as you might think.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a full time freelancer choose this way because of the independency and power I hold over my actions.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Good choice bro, you can work according to your will without anyone controlling you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me, being a free lancer is also a good thing, because you're the boss of your own world haha you can also rest whenever you want or skip your work🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago