Simple life in village makes me happy

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1 year ago
Topics: Live, Freewrite, Village

I am an ordinary person. Maybe even people in my village rarely know me, because indeed I rarely communicate intensively as in formal activities which are sometimes attended by many young people in my village.

My way of communicating is maybe through greetings with people around me. Speak when necessary. I often skip rest, such as gossip shows or things related to talking about people, when I'm talking, to avoid adding sins. lol

People in my village tend to care too much for each person here. Let's just say that there is a small newlywed party, it's no wonder that later there will be lots of tweets from mothers' chat versions or it could even become a trending topic when gentlemen gather during night patrols.

Bright side of their very caring attitude made me drift away in a solidarity that is priceless and immeasurable by any material value. Because of those who really care about being observers of other people's lives, I can know what is actually happening behind circumstances that look fine.

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However, sometimes this over-care attitude sometimes leads to backbiting, which actually gives me no advantage at all to listen to it. Whatever it is possible to do, wrong or right, what people do will definitely become breaking news material in style of a neighbor's magazine.

But on other hand, hanging out with neighbors can be used as a business area as long as you want to do it. Sometimes there are many business opportunities from chat event. It's not surprising that sometimes neighbors' versions of talk shows are often sponsored by advertisements for pans or non-stick pans. It sounds normal, not much different from city life. However, what I have never found in a city is the beauty and enthusiasm of the village community for its residents.

Even though I live simply and eat modestly, I am very comfortable living in my village. I really miss life in my village when I travel too long out of town.

$ 0.74
$ 0.69 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Mudi97
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Avatar for qheer92
1 year ago
Topics: Live, Freewrite, Village


I love living in a village too sir, in a province, in a countryside because it's very simple but full of happiness.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yeah, more fresh air here than at big city

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True sir that's why I missed already our province.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Akeh kesibukan koyok e kang hehehe. Suwi ra ketok Nang read cash.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Iyo mas, lek wes asik mbek kerjoan yo hapene lali wesan. Haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago