"Padimas" Bread, look before you eat it!

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1 year ago

It's been a long time since I wanted to review "Padimas", but I need to collect materials and pictures first. Padimas is a cheap bread, only IDR 3000 but tastes delicious, soft and has lots of jam, I like taste of chocolate, vanilla, cheese and blueberries.

After searching for some of content and learning composition of Padimas bread, I dared to write a review, because I was curious and had free time. lol

Composition of Padimas bread written on packaging, As a preservative there is potassium propionate. As antioxidants there are ascorbyl palmitate, tecopherol, TBHQ, BHA, BHT and ascorbic acid. You don't need to think of difficult names because your brain won't be able to know details of chemical oxidation reactions, at least it will only give you a nod but you don't understand, you should just think about complexities of your life. lol

There is also content of sorbitol, glycerol, mono and diglycerides, these are actually not preservatives but cause to their specific role in bread dough so as to produce bread that is more durable. Many other breads also use ingredients above, only dosage may be different, there is a minimum, middle, maximum.

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Well, on packaging of Padimas bread it looks a bit airtight. It seems like (whether it's true or not) packaging of Padimas bread is injected with nitrogen gas (nitrogen flushing) like in snacks and then pressed, so it's not exposed to free air containing oxygen which can trigger growth of fungi and bacteria that can oxidize food, so that bread lasts longer with a longer expiry date.

Maybe thanks to combination of various ingredients, plus right processing techniques, and packaging techniques in such a way that this bread has a longer shelf life of up to a few months. Regarding food safety, Padimas bread is definitely safe because it has received a license from government. About healthy or not? back to their respective references.

And you know what???


With content of Padimas bread which has been mentioned earlier, especially preservative potassium propionate and others, it will oxidize and decompose to make it safer to eat. So if you eat more than one Padimas bread without heating it first, what happens is that reaction of ingredients above will usually stimulate intestinal peristalsis and finally what happens after eating is mules.

So, be careful if you are going to give bread to children, don't forget to bake it first, so it doesn't have an effect on children's digestion, especially if their digestion is sensitive. For those who have a history of digestive disorders, it is more advisable to consume this bread by heating it first.

In my opinion, if you eat it straight away, it will have a bitter and bitter taste, but if bread is toasted first, bitter and bitter taste will disappear.

I myself am a connoisseur of Padimas bread, once I ate 3 loaves of bread a day and ended up having heartburn and a bit of diarrhea. Then I repeated eating a packet of bread without heating it, my stomach bloated and farted quite often. lol

But if I eat this bread by heating it first, I don't feel bloated and have heartburn. And it should also be read on packaging that EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION CAN RESULT IN LAXATIVE EFFECTS (DIARRHEA).

For some people, Padimas bread is heaven's bread at a low price but really delicious. There are also those who don't want to eat Padimas bread because even if bread is placed open, ants don't want to surround it. Hih,,, ants are very arrogant. lol

That's because insects detect that content of the bread is such that it might sting them. But try heating it first to break down ingredients of bread, to make it even safer then ants will eat Padimas bread. lol

For me, one who created Padimas bread is a genius, surely the product trial error was not enough 5-10 times. Enjoy your Padimas bread, friends. Happy having breakfast!

$ 0.00
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1 year ago


Heating first is better when it comes to bread. I agree with you sir. I am really curious with the taste.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

That bread very tasty for me. lol Just heating it and ready to eat.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love that sir. I want to taste it sir.

$ 0.00
1 year ago