Muhammad Cheng Ho Mosque, A typical Chinese mosque

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1 year ago
Topics: Islam, Mosque, Muslim

Unlike most mosques in my country, Indonesia, mosque I visited in Purbalingga district, in my opinion, is very unique because it resembles a pagoda, or a place of worship for our Confucian brothers. Are you curious too? This unique mosque is located on edge of highway, at first glance, passersby think this building is a pagoda because of its bright red color and decorated with magnificent Chinese cultural ornaments.

This mosque is named Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque. After I read several sources, name Muhammad Cheng Hoo was inspired by Chinese Muslim merchants who in ancient times often docked in several places in Indonesia to trade and spread Islam.

People who are members of Chinese-Indonesian community organization (Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association) are originators of establishment of this mosque. So do not be surprised if shape and ornaments of this mosque are very similar to Chinese culture. This mosque with a touch of Chinese culture is a special attraction for visitors, so besides coming to worship, you can also travel to see abaout uniqueness of this mosque building.

Usually visitors who stop by this mosque are travelers who want to pray and rest for a while, because highway in front of this mosque is the middle causeway on island of Java, and is main access route that many travelers who want to go to various cities on island of Java pass.

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When going to this mosque, parking area is quite large with addition of several vendors of various food and beverages lined up neatly. Taking a closer look at this mosque, we can see terraced roof of the mosque dominated by red, white and dark green colors, very typical of Chinese culture but mixed with Islamic culture.

Front view has inscription of Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque in mandarin script and added some red lanterns. When entering mosque, it remains in its orientalist style which combines Chinese culture and some calligraphy.

On roof of the mosque is inscribed with the words Allah in red and yellow. This mosque with a Chinese cultural style is rarely found in Indonesia, if we study more deeply, this mosque is also a reflection that a culture and religion can unite without having to lose their respective identities.

If you visit my country, try to visit this mosque, actually Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque is not only here, there are several big cities that have mosques that have typical Chinese buildings. This is because there are many Chinese people in my country.

$ 0.10
$ 0.05 from @Mudi97
$ 0.05 from @Ayukyukyu2
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Avatar for qheer92
1 year ago
Topics: Islam, Mosque, Muslim


I would love to visit that mosque someday.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Happy to see your affection towards mosque

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Nang nggon ku enek masjid Cheng Ho iki cuma wuadoh kang. Sing cedek enek cuma lali jenenge.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Nandi iku kang? Suroboyo tah. Hahaha

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Dudu kang.. Nang Samarinda cuma nggon pastine lali aku haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago