Live healthy by consuming boiled food

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2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Food, Boiled
Boiled cassava

Changing your diet for better is one way that is used to help speed up dieting process. Especially by eating boiled food. Boiled foods that are often used to help diet are boiled eggs, boiled sweet potatoes, boiled bananas, and also boiled corn. There are many benefits that can be obtained by consuming boiled food.

Inflammation that occurs in stomach is caused by buildup of bacteria from unhealthy foods that are consumed. Well, these bacteria can actually be combated by consuming boiled food. This is because boiled foods such as vegetables and other food sources are types of food that are easily digested and broken down. So that risk of inflammation in stomach can also be reduced.

Boiled food is also often included in diet menu because it has good benefits for speeding up diet process, in addition to using exercise. Boiled foods are low in calories but high in nutrients and water content. So that a good diet process can be achieved because it reduces consumption of low-fat foods.

A healthy body condition is in a non-acidic condition. Eating boiled food can help to prevent acidity in body. This is because boiled food is easily digested by body so that it does not settle for too long in body which causes body to become acidic.

Boiled food has more nutrients than fried food. In addition, water content in boiled food is also high which is of course important for skin health. With the high nutrient and water content of boiled food, it can help skin hydration process and provide high nutrition. As a result, skin will look fresher and healthier.

Boiled food, accompanied by hot drink.

Well, there are so many benefits of eating boiled food, right? Especially if enjoyed in morning accompanied by a warm drink, of course it will be very delicious and healthy. Actually it doesn't matter if you occasionally enjoy fried food, but there are many negative impacts if you enjoy fried food accompanied by tea or coffee mixed with sugar, I've also discussed it with title "bad effect behind perfect blend of coffee with fried food".

So, it's better to keep your healthy diet so that your body stays in a fit condition, in order to avoid attack of Covid-19 pandemic which according to some news media on TV is now increasing again. Stay healthy my friend!

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Food, Boiled


Man, your article was so interesting

$ 0.00
2 years ago

jane sing wenak iku Yo di rebus kang. Opo meneh singkong e gedi koyok ngunu hehehe. Aku jalok mbote ne kang siji wkwkwk.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Wkwkwkwk, yo iki sekalian kopine loh ben tambah uennak

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love boiled cassava my friend. In our province we have that one also that we eat it with we called it "Bagoong". It's perfect. It's really delicious my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha I used to eat boiled foods (root crops) when I was staying in the countryside. Got a healthy lifestyle

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is good suggestion that keep food hygiene and boiled ones which keep us away from acidity. It boosts immune system to fight against lot of diseases like Covid19.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right, I also like to eat boiled food. Like corn on the cob and banana on the cob, it's really good.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Your living strategy is amazing. Eat well dear I'm thinking to stop this junk food and to convert into such hygenic food.

$ 0.02
2 years ago