Harvest season

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2 years ago

I live in a small village where majority of population are farmers, making farming their main source of income. The average farmer here grows rice, although there are a few who grow vegetables such as eggplant, tomatoes, chilies and others, but not much because here is a lowland so weather is too hot to grow vegetables. If they grow, the quality will be less than optimal and definitely need extra maintenance.

The most suitable field crop here is rice, so most farmers choose rice as a crop to grow in their fields. For care is easy, even for hybrid rice, it is claimed to be very resistant to pests and can produce grains of about 5 to 7 tons per hectare, maybe in another article I will discuss the difference between hybrid rice and non-hybrid rice.

For now, here is harvest season, all farmers are busy in their fields to pick rice that has entered harvest period, age of rice plant ranges from 85 to 100 days. A sign that rice plant is ready to be harvested is leaves have started to dry out and rice grains have turned golden yellow.

Rice is ready to be harvested

Process of harvesting rice here is still classified as using traditional method, because it uses fully human power, perhaps in other areas many have used machines. It takes a long time if using traditional methods, starting from cutting down rice trees, threshing the grains, all done by human hands.

After harvesting is complete, next step is drying rice. This must be done to make rice can be stored for a long time. Drying here is also still using old method, using sun's heat to reduce water content. This process takes about 3 to 4 days for rice to dry and ready for storage.

Process of drying rice using sun's heat

Usually farmers sell their crops when rice prices are rising, so they have to save their crops for some time. Wait until price of rice rises or it is nearing to next harvest period because the storage warehouse will be used to store new rice.

Thanks for reading my first article! I hope you like it. I need advice from you so that I can get better at writing articles.

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2 years ago


The biggest smile comes on faces of farmers when they got crop ripped. Welcome on the plateform and hope you will enjoy here.

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2 years ago

Thanks sir, I am very grateful, you visit my post. I will very enjoying this platfom

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2 years ago

Hello dear. Welcome to the family dear. See? The Devil is here to see you.

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2 years ago

Thanks bro, is that your mean is Random Reward? Haha

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2 years ago

It’s me.

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2 years ago

Hi , You did not open your sponsorship

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2 years ago

This is my first time here sis, so I am still learning.

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