Galangal, a cooking pot that is not only flavoring but also rich in benefits

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1 year ago
Topics: Food, Healthy, Natural

When eating rendang or other processed meats, have you ever been “fooled” by galangal you bit into thinking it was meat? Yes, many jokes and experiences biting galangal due to expectation of large and delicious meat. Apart from being a cooking spice, galangal turns out to have many benefits. This spice has a variety of nutritional content and is believed to be efficacious in treating various diseases.

Galangal is a rhizome-type spice that is still in same family as ginger originating from South Asia. This plant, which is related to ginger, functions as a natural food flavoring and removes fishy smell of chicken and meat.

Galangal is also a source of various antioxidants and phytochemicals that are useful for body. Galangal not only makes food taste delicious, but also has potential to provide many benefits for your body.

Spices such as ginger, galangal, and turmeric have long been used as natural diarrhea remedies. Reason is, herbs and spices that you use when cooking usually contain certain substances that are antimicrobial or antibacterial. Antibacterial substances are also present in galangal. Galangal can inhibit growth of Escherichia coli bacteria. This is main bacteria that causes diarrhea.

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Antimicrobial properties of galangal can also repel other bacteria. Adding rhizomes to food can also reduce risk of bacterial infections and galangal is also able to ward off fungi and parasites.

Galangal contains a variety of antioxidants that have potential to reduce risk of tumors and cancer. Active substance in this plant, can kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing. Like most other herbs and spices, galangal also helps relieve inflammation caused by disease in body.

Cause galangal's anti-inflammatory properties, experts suspect that this spice might help relieve asthma symptoms. Reason is asthma symptoms appear due to inflammation and swelling of airways. This plant also has an antispasmodic effect so that it can widen bronchial tubes in lungs. Use of galangal may also reduce phlegm so that it can relieve breathing when asthma strikes.

Galangal is a fairly common spice, just like turmeric and ginger. Not only does it add flavor, this spice also seems to have a number of health benefits.

Safest way to use galangal is to add it to cooking. Excessive consumption can be a cause of nausea. So, use it sparingly and don't overdo it so you can earn.

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1 year ago
Topics: Food, Healthy, Natural


this food is soo healthy which contains phytochemical, antioxidant, antimicrobial etc. This seems soo delicious but as I remembered I eat it about 2-3 years back in any festival. It is very useful.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Nek nang kondangan mesti aku nemu lengkuas nyampur karo daging wkwkwk.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Mesti sampean sering ketuker antara daging mbek lengkuas, hahaha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is use for food colors right? I remember my Father added when he is cooking sometimes but it was sliced and flaten. The reason why I never mistaken this as a meat.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Food coloring and flavoring, many other benefits too. If we cook meat we must use galangal.

$ 0.00
1 year ago