Driver's license is main ticket for driving

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1 year ago
Topics: Driving, License, Police
Type A driving license for four-wheel light vehicle driving license.

When driving, drivers are required to have a driving license. A driver's license is a document that must be carried when you drive. If a driver does not have a driver's license, it will be considered a violation of applicable traffic rules. There are various types of driver's licenses, which are differentiated based on type of vehicle, vehicle weight and driver's condition. Maybe next time I will try to discuss various types of driving licenses and criteria for their use.

A driver's license is written evidence issued by police for someone who has met requirements as a driver. A driver's license is proof of identification or identification as a driver with an official license from police.

If someone drives a vehicle without a driver's license, then that person has not been officially registered. Skill in controlling vehicle is still questionable. Because, getting a driver's license must go through a driving skills test process. So, main ticket for driving a light or heavy vehicle is a driving license officially issued by police.

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Most people still consider obligation to make a driver's license so as not to get a ticket when there is a vehicle registration check on road. This is true, but having a driver's license turns out to provide many other conveniences for you as a driver.

Driver's license serves as proof of registration and identification, especially for police. Purpose of proof of registration is that a driving license is a real statement that a person has been registered as a driver who meets requirements to drive on highway.

Meanwhile, as proof of identification, it means that driver's license acts as a self-identifier containing information about owner. Information includes full name, domicile address, date of birth, gender, type of driving license and validity period.

By showing a driver's license, identity of owner can be clearly identified. In fact, a driver's license is sometimes used as an additional requirement to support proof of identity.

Furthermore, function of a driving license is as proof that owner has been proven to be an expert in driving a vehicle. Because, conditions that must be met to get a driving license are passing theory test and driving practice exam.

In theory test, the prospective driver's license will be tested for knowledge of traffic rules and behavior while driving on public roads. This means that you must have sufficient knowledge and good driving behavior in order to pass the theory test when applying for a driver's license.

Type C driving license for motorcycle driving license.

Meanwhile, in practical exam, prospective driver's license will be challenged with his ability to drive a vehicle. For example, in practice exam for making a car driving license, type (A), you will be asked to drive straight, drive in a zig-zag, park car in parallel and control car on an incline.

Another function of a driving license is as a supporting document used by police for investigation and investigation purposes. In addition, driving licenses are often used as data for forensic identification by the police.

So, function of a driver's license is not only to avoid a ticket during an inspection on highway. However, it has broader benefits. Do you already have a driver's license?

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1 year ago
Topics: Driving, License, Police


This is really bad news because these driving licenses should not be revoked as it will negatively affect the individuals who hold them. If you are looking for assistance with your academic work, you should see page where you can find sources to help you with your essays or assignments.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If you want to know about driver license suspensions and revocations then visit this page.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Your driver license on lead image attracted me to read the whole article. I am afraid of driving, this is one things I can never do in my entire life I guess lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sim C awak e dewe jik sing lawas Yo kang modele. ketokane sing anyar Iki koyok dulinane bocah wkwkwk.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I struggled to get my Sim, but after I got it, I've never used it because I rarely go to town with my motorbike, so it's just in case.

$ 0.00
1 year ago