Children are great imitators, so be careful when educating them

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2 years ago
Topics: Children, Education

It's no secret that children are excellent imitators. They will imitate things that attract attention and curiosity. So many people say, if you want to see and know how behavior of parents then look at their children.

Imitation is a very important activity in development stage of your child's language skills and socialization. You need to know that imitating your child usually starts when your child is 1 year old.

We must also teach children to be kind to anyone, including animals from an early age

At age of 1 year, your child enters important years in his developmental stage. They will absorb all values ​​or habits that apply at home and surrounding environment. So my advice to you, as a parent, should be able to instill good values ​​for your children.

Children will usually observe and pay attention to information they see or get before they imitate it. At the age of 1 year, children usually imitate what they see and hear.

Always be a humble to children

From this, we can conclude that you as a parent must be a good example for your child, because only with your help can your child's character and personality be built.

This is following advice I give to you and of course I am also still learning to do this, so that imitating our children can have a good effect on their personality.

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Instilling religious knowledge in children from an early age, in my opinion, is most important thing. With sufficient religious knowledge, we hope that they will be able to distinguish between right and wrong when they are adults.

Teaching children to pray before eating is a mandatory thing that we must do

I am sure, all religious knowledge is to teach about goodness, and will definitely provide tremendous benefits for children's intelligence. When they know religious knowledge from an early age, it is hoped that they can avoid something that is dangerous, such as promiscuity.


If you have a toddler at home this means you, parents are in care of your children. The point is that your child will pay attention and observe everything you do at home, therefore behave the best as you can.

Children's clothes also usually imitate way of their parents

As long as children are in an important stage of growth and development, namely when they turn 1 year old, it is very important to show best attitude and behavior of yourself, why? Because it will be seen and will definitely be applied in your child. Even in terms of eating and drinking. For those of you parents who have a habit of smoking or drinking alcohol, it is better to stop for a moment so that your child does not do same thing.


Having a child who actively imitates your behavior can sometimes make you a little overwhelmed, but this is right time for you to teach values ​​of good life that may be useful in your child's future. You can teach good habits such as diligent worship, praying before and after eating, brushing teeth before going to bed, and many other good things. So that they will get used to good things when he becomes an adult.


We know that you parents are not as perfect as your children think. You're just a human who can't contain anger. If at times you can't contain your anger at your child, don't be shy about apologizing. This is great for teaching your child about importance of admitting mistakes, apologizing and correcting mistakes you make. So that when they grow up it will be embedded in your child's personality.

That's just my opinion, hopefully it can be a lesson for me and you to be better parents. Being parents who can be imitated in kindness and personally by our children, hopefully one day our children will grow up to be a great generation.

Thank you for reading till end, hopefully it can add to your insight!

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2 years ago
Topics: Children, Education


The best way to educate children is to set an example for them with our behavior. I also agree with your idea of giving religious education from a young age.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, they need example

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well children always copy our activities and actions. What we want to see in our kids , we must present ourselves exactly the same first.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah sir, you are very rigt. We are parents must be good example for our children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always love the way that Hafiza sits with her legs crossed and reminds me of my late childhood friend. Always be healthy, hafiza, be a pious daughter, bring heaven to your parents

$ 0.04
2 years ago

Thanks for your pray for us, mom. May God always bless your family too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago