Childhood is most fun and full of games

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2 years ago
Topics: Kid, Children, Childhood

Childhood is an exciting time. Because childhood is a transition period where children play and learn. Of course, we have seen when children are playing, children really enjoy their playing time even though game is very simple. Children with innocent characters are always happy when they play, they don't show any burden on their faces.

My daughter and her friend play together

In addition, children need enough love for their development period. Parental love is needed by children. Children are one of the successors of the next generation, better we educate children, of course, the better children's character will be.

We go back to childhood, it's true that childhood is a time to play. We as parents, do not forbid children to play. In addition to playing, he indirectly learns to recognize life and its environment.

My daughter prefer toy over cellphone

How funny and fun it is to see children playing. Children in playing often create different characters in each game they play. Like children's drama players can play various characters, because the characters that are raised by children often change. Sometimes it can be characterized as a good person (protagonist) sometimes also a bad character (antagonist), sometimes it can bring up feelings of happiness, sometimes feelings of emotion. That's the child's character, and of course we as parents see things like that as a natural thing because the child's character often follows what he feels when playing.

That is joy of the world of children, we as parents must provide quality and useful education when we are children. My advice should be when the child is in the growth stage and likes all kinds of games, stay away from the cellphone.

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Cell phones do have many benefits, but when given to children, in my opinion, it will only make them fall into games on cellphones. They will be happier playing cellphones than outdoor games.

I have a daughter who is now only 23 months old, I try to keep her from contaminating her cellphone so that she is not addicted to playing cellphones like most other children. I don't want to have children who are good at playing gadgets and online games.

My daughter very like playing outdoor

I will try my best to keep my daughter away from the cellphone by introducing traditional children's games and honing her creativity. I think this is better for brain growth.

Maybe I need a lot of advice from you, how best to educate children so they don't become addicted to cellphones. Thanks for reading till end, I look forward to your suggestions in the comments!

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Kid, Children, Childhood


indeed the world of children is a very fun world, but playing outside without parental supervision can be dangerous for the child, and the reality today is that parents prefer their children to play with cellphones compared to playing outside because their parents can't supervise them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Better play with them, give cellphone for children is bad choice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

MASHA ALLAH. So happy to see the Angel.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks sir! Yeah, she is my little Angel

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Childhood is a precious thing that the kids must embrace. I mean, most of the kids these days will not embrace their childhood through playing with their playmates for real, they'll just soak themselves on their phones which is not a good thing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very right sis! I feel very concerned when I see that children are too busy playing with their cellphones, and their parents are also busy playing with their cellphones.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Children's mental development depends on the variety and quality of the games they play.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah you right! So we must keep to bring useful game for our children

$ 0.00
2 years ago

angel saiki kang.. bocah jik 3 taun wis di kei hape. Nang omah gak tau di jak dolanan mobil kulit jeruk bali

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha. Aku yo gak tau dulinan kulit jeruk digawe roda mobil2an kok wkwkwk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Childhood is always so innocent and mention free. Your daughter looking so cute and angel on earth. May she live long!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for your du'a! I hope my daughter will become a reward machine investment from Allah, for me when I die.

$ 0.00
2 years ago