Bring back spirit of writing

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1 year ago
Topics: Writing, Article, Spirit, Mood

August is my birth month, I think this month will be a productive month for me. However, unlike what I thought, since beginning of July my enthusiasm for writing began to decline and I thought that in August my writing spirit would rise again. But it turns out that feeling of laziness still permeates until mid-August. Maybe it's because of some activities in my offline world, which are really dense, so it has an impact on my passion for writing.

From my experience that I have had in last few days, I conclude that there are several factors that cause my enthusiasm to write to decline. Maybe you should also listen to it, who knows you will experience same thing and we can share tips to get back spirit of writing, some of factors that cause decline in spirit of writing in my opinion are:

  • Busy in world of work or you have some other important agenda so that it becomes an obstacle to consistent writing.

  • Not having enough time to write. For me, to finish one article. I need calm and at least an hour to write down what's on my brain.

  • Mood is not good. I think this factor is main factor destroying spirit of writing because they often come even though they are not invited. Even though I have a lot of free time but when I'm in a bad mood, I won't get any ideas to write.

Of the three factors that caused decline in my writing enthusiasm, the most annoying thing was last factor, even though I was forced to write it would not produce a satisfactory article. So, in order to overcome downturn in writing, I tried to do some things that I think can help bring back spirit to write. Want to know anything? Let's watch to the end!

Traveling to forest to get rid of boredom and get some fresh air

Satisfy yourself with hobbies

Fulfilling needs of mind can be done by carrying out hobbies that we like. Incidentally, I really like traveling by motorbike, by traveling I can visit beautiful tourist attractions, usually I will also review places I visited by writing.

Listen to motivational podcasts

I used this method as an alternative when I was lazy to travel, listening to motivation for me can be a mood booster so I can get back to writing. Although sometimes it doesn't work, I think you can try it.

Accept boredom

It may sound strange, but for me accepting boredom is one way to start a new spirit. I once forced myself to write every day even though I was bored, but what happened was that I produced random and very poor quality writing. Maybe this has happened in last few days, I accept boredom living inside of me in last few days and hopefully starting today will be a turning point and beginning of a new passion for writing.

Those are some of things that I do to restore my passion for writing, I still have a writing target, but that doesn't mean I have to be like a tireless and bored robot. Not achieving target is a natural thing, the most important thing is that we have tried to the best of our ability.

I think that in world of writing, it cannot be forced, if you want to produce good writing, you must have a good mood, while I am sure that a good mood will not come to you every day.

Thank you for reading my writing to the end, I hope it can help those of you who are less enthusiastic about writing.

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1 year ago
Topics: Writing, Article, Spirit, Mood


Aku yo podo karo sampean sing opini ke 2 kang. Paling cepet nulis artikel sak jam wes dadi siap upload. Tapi nek utek buntu iso ra nulis blas aku.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Take part in a hobby or passion, and write about it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

The things that are necessary to me while writing is having a peaceful environment, a fresh mind, and proper time. I am also absent from here for some time because of feeling sick and lazy.
But now will try to write my article first in the early morning in my free and then will do the rest of the stuff.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Mood and atmosphere is very much needed for satisfying writing. Maybe fix a one hour time where you will only be writing and till the whole day pick a topic from your day to day activities.

$ 0.02
1 year ago