Be careful when crossing road repair zone

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Avatar for qheer92
1 year ago
Topics: Driving, Safety, Road
Traffic control in road repair zone

Always be vigilant in any condition. That's what at least must be done by every driver, especially if you drive in road repair zone. When you are in that location, you are obliged to pay attention to surrounding conditions so that there is no adverse accident not only for you, but also other workers. There have been many great injuries and even deaths caused by driving negligence in the road improvement zone. Then how to drive right? Check out this article until the end!

Trailing other vehicles is a bad habit and even very dangerous when done in road repair zone. Collision from behind is the most common accident in road repair area and the reason is habit of a driver to follow vehicle in front of him. When entering road repair zone, slowly do it. Make sure you keep a safe distance from vehicle in front so that if there is a sudden braking, you can be alert to face it.

Road repair zone is very difficult to predict. To be through this, you need to focus and full attention to path you are going through. You should not do things like eating, using a cellphone or changing music while driving. Always pay attention to vehicle lights in front. Be careful of road repair workers and equipment they use. Make sure both hands are always on steering wheel and stay aware of surrounding conditions.

In every road repair zone there is always a special sign that limits driver's speed when crossing it. There is a reason why these signs are installed, namely to guarantee safety of everyone in zone. With speed limit installed in zone, you will easily pay attention to surrounding environment. There is no harm in driving for 10 minutes compared to potential accidents due to your lack of care while driving in the zone.

It is highly recommended to turn on hazard lamp when crossing road repair zone. Turning on hazard lights, will greatly help other motorists and road workers see your vehicle well. This step is indeed very simple, but this is quite useful for safety of everyone.

Road repair zones are marked with a yellow line.

Road repair often in road body. As a result, there was a narrowing of road that caused vehicle to take turns into same lane. Be careful when you are going to change track. Make sure position of your car does not cut other vehicles and cause vehicle is not ready. Before moving path, you should turn on turn signal and see whether path is already safe to pass.

Conclusion is, stay alert when driving to attend things you don't want. Keep safety and keep safety driving! Hope it can be useful.

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Avatar for qheer92
1 year ago
Topics: Driving, Safety, Road


Saiki nek enek perbaikan dalan di kancani karo dishub kang ning nggon ku sebagian daerah. Tanda Marka tetep ono, cuman Yo iku, kakean sing gowo motor iku ra ndelok ngarep mburi nganan ngiri sek kang. Dadi asal libas tau tau glundung.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes this is true because we don't know what hazard or will haopen if we don't have an extra careful so safety first .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree my friend. Everytime the drivers are going to passed or cross from the repair zone they should always slowly passing and always be observant for the safety.

$ 0.00
1 year ago