Balm, legendary pain relief cream

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2 years ago

Balm is one of products that are mainstay of Indonesian people when they are exposed to insect bites to warm parts of body. Balm is an object with a sticky texture and is usually applied to certain parts of body. Usually synonymous with products that have a hot sensation when applied.

Balm has long been a product that people use for various purposes. Usually applied to warm parts of body when sick, colds, stuffy nose, aches, to headaches. Hot sensation is comfortable on skin and distinctive aroma makes balm an item that is often found in every home. Balm is made of thick oil containing resin and essential oils and feels hot when rubbed on skin.

However, you need to remember that balm is an external medicine whose use is topical. Balm should not be applied to eyes or areas near eyes, mucous membranes, injured, sensitive or allergic skin. Balm should also not be applied under nose, because risk of causing injury and irritation because skin in that area is sensitive skin.

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You must also be careful when using balm, when you apply balm to one of your painful skin surfaces, wash your hands immediately because it is feared that it will irritate other parts of your skin. For example, if you apply a balm to your knee and then accidentally touch skin near your eye, you will definitely feel a hot sensation on skin near your eye because you haven't cleaned your hands after applying balm on your knee.

So, conclusion is to always be careful when using ointments, make sure your hands are cleaned immediately after applying external medicine to anticipate that other parts of your skin are not contaminated after you apply external medicine. Use a balm sparingly, and choose one whose heat effect suits your skin and don't use balm too often because it will definitely have a bad effect on your skin.

You should consult with your doctor before you use ointments or balms to be safer.

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2 years ago


if people in my area call it REMASON whatever the brand. haha people used to use the green balm, it looks like it's gone now.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Siki wis ganti warna putih pak. Sing ijo wis mulai punah.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nek balseme hot in cream iku panase sui. Kadang bar di oles dingin tok awale tapi sui sui panas. Tapi panase awet nek ketindih katok utowo kelambi.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha, berarti bar diolesi hotkrim mending ojok kathokan yoh, ben puanase gak awet, haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mung tak cincing tok kadang kathok ku kang hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It really helps to use an ointment if we had a sickness it can lessen our struggles when we had stuffy nose and fever.I am also a user of an ointment like vicks vapor rub it is somewhat smilar in your cream or what you call Balm.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It does help relieve pain, but limit use to make it safer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sir I agree before putting some any ointment we make sure that our hands are clean. People should have an awareness about this thing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It will be safer for them if they always clean their hands.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes true my friend. People should always aware with the cleanliness especially the hands.

$ 0.00
2 years ago