Psyber-X Read.Cash Introduction Post

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Hey everyone! I have been sent here from the wonderful world of HIVE., thanx @dynamicrypto. I am an avid blockchain enthusiast. I play many different games on the HIVE engine. The majority of my interests include making money, investing money, and spending money. The majority of my time is spent wandering through this journey we call life, and sometimes the multiples journeys we can involve ourselves in within the world wide web and the more recently coined "metaverse". #hive

PsyberX has become my new found love and I am cannot be more than excited for this project to come to life. The team behind this project has been informative and communicative from the start, and the shear amount of due diligence they are putting in really shows. Don't believe me, read and L-EARN for yourself on their white paper The community behind this project is hands down one of the best communities out there and I am glad to be a part of it, minted #nft giveaways so everyone has a chance LETS GO!!! #psyberx

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @JLoberiza


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$ 0.00
2 years ago