What will your tombstone say?

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2 years ago

With this phrase I confronted many times my students who were surprised by such a strange question, but the question is real and significant. Someone once said: "He who does not live to serve himself does not serve to live". We usually live a life like the Sims game: I study, I work, I have a family and that's it. I have the satisfaction that I did everything I should have done in life, but living life is not just that, it is not just my family and I, "mine."

There are so many people out there who need what you have, what you have learned, a word, a smile, a hug and even a strong word that makes them react, but what do we do? sometimes we just waste the air that God gave us. It is much sadder when we see people with such tremendous gifts, special abilities to do things and are so proud that they give them to us, there are others who simply think: People are ungrateful! They bite the hand that helps them! but... is that really a good excuse?

At this moment I remember a precious friend that God blessed her with a good economic situation and on weekends she would go with her mother and friends to cut the hair of street children and feed them, it was not for publicity it was not for They said it was good, it was for love. She died but she taught me so many things. At only 23 years old, she lived to serve. Now, how many people have you influenced so that their lives improve? How many have you made to return from their evil path? How many have you given even a coffee?

And sometimes it's not just giving when we have a lot. I remember a few weeks ago I was in a square in the city where I live and as I have said a few times my current situation is quite strong, so much so that sometimes the only thing we ate that day was mango with salt from a mango tree that is in home. (I'm not writing this to pity you) The truth is we hadn't eaten ice cream for years and we bought one and there was an old man next to us and we looked for a container to give him some and we shared our ice cream with him and for me it was the most beautiful thing of the life.

Let's not expect to have much to give.



(since the publication became long, I will explain the "profebubba" thing later)

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Avatar for profebubba
2 years ago
