Weak always remains weak...

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3 years ago
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I was reading news about Palestine and somehow it broke my heart drastically. I never read such kind of political news where humanity doesn't exist. Our world is a beautiful place and it's us who are destroying it. I often ask myself that where is Humanity exactly? No answer. My heart breaks whenever I read news about Palestine and Syria. I wish I could show you how it feels to see such kind of destruction, people are dying there and what we are doing? Nothing...

Anyway, the reason for writing such kind of intro is because we all want peace. I believe in humanity and one day people will understand the meaning of humanity and there will be no war except peace. Perhaps this is a dream, the big dream that I am dreaming of, perhaps it is never gonna happen but if we dream together, then maybe we will be able to change the world together. We don't want war but the war will exist because power game exists.

Rich people always have a tendency of controlling people, I noticed that. People who have power and money, try to control the world, control the people. That's why our system of the world is completely centralized. Our job, salary controlled by the government, somehow our life controlled by the government. I know I am thinking too much, we need leaders. But do we want to let ourselves controlled by powerful people? I am sure nobody wants that.

I often say rules and regulations are good until they do not hamper your way of living life. Same when powerful people start abusing their power, war starts, destruction occurs. Money always makes people greedy and needy. More money more demand and more thirst for achieving unlimited power. Money holds power, the more money you have the more power you have and people will respect you. People will fear you, if you have the power you can control the world. I guess that is happening nowadays. Hate and power now connected and somehow rich will always torture the poor. Weak always remains weak...

My words are unclear and I know I have written nothing except some simple words. But I believe one day this world will be a better place for everyone and at least there will be no war at all... No more cry and sufferings.



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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...
