Unspoken words...

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...

My eyes are burning for the last few days, it's not happening because of any itching or anything related to disease or allergic things, this is happening because of lack of sleep. Because of insomnia, I think, moreover my sleep routine has changed. Even I only sleep 5-6 hours which is not enough for a human or for a healthy lifestyle. I assume that the lack of sleep may be the main reason for my health condition. Everyone needs a break, a break from the current lifestyle, a break from situations. It's not like we are running away from responsibilities, we are just trying to avoid the situation for a while to calm down.

Many people suggested me doing meditation before and I listened to them. Even every day at least for 1 hour, I go out for a walk with my dog. But still, somehow negative situations gasped me and mentally broke me apart. I know it's up to me how I am gonna handle the situations but the main problem is my mental health. I know about myself better than many others and I know from the past few weeks what I have been going through. Not all problems are personal, some problems are regarding social media and blockchain. Maybe someday I will be able to gather some courage to open my mouth...

I believe truth never stays hidden, no matter what, one day it will come out. No matter how much people try to hide it, it will come out in time. I know what I have been going through in one year and I know how I handled every situation. People blamed me, accused me of many reasons intentionally or unintentionally. I assumed most of the accusations were done intentionally. Many think as I am a woman, I can't speak out, many think I don't have any guts, to tell the truth. But the main reason is either I prefer to stay silent or prefer no to answer them as I don't feel they deserve my answers.

People have the right to assume but some assumptions might turn into poisonous action. We live in a world where freedom exists and we have the right to express ourselves. But we often forget that our activities and actions might destroy someone's life or can create a huge impact on someone's lifestyle. I have a clear idea how hate, the personal problem with someone or jealousy look like and often saw how an individual can be responsible for destroying someone's life.

As I have said, nobody knows me, not a single person has any idea about me. Just because I go out or create outdoor videos with a smiling face doesn't mean my world is fine and I am doing great. Everything has a solution, truth always wins and there will be justice...

I am waiting for that one day when I will get the freedom to open my mouth without creating any drama. I am not blind and I am not a fool...

I will answer to those who somehow destroyed or responsible for my current status very soon...



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Original post written by @priyanarc...
All the pictures used are captured by the author...

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...



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