Undying will to survive - Thoughts of the Day

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3 years ago
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The snow almost melted and the warm days are coming. Before going to the hot season obviously, spring will refresh our mind and soul with a relaxing south breeze. I felt like this year we had a long winter, I know Ukraine is a cold country but still, this winter was the longest winter for me. Probably this thought came because most of the time, I stayed at home... Time flies and now, we are in March 2021, I feel like it was yesterday we celebrated the new year...

My health is not doing good for a couple of days. The fluctuated weather always makes me sick and physically weak. Even every night, I am having a high fever and headache, I am taking medicines. Probably I will go for the test but I haven't decided anything yet. Also, the past few weeks were stressful, I was dealing with some personal issues and most of the time I had to go outside no matter if it was snowy or rainy. Maybe that's why my health is not doing good, don't know what exactly is going on with me.

When I noticed the temperature is getting warmer, I decided to frame the moments of the last snow. Not fresh snow, the snow which about to melt. Some of the black ice chunks caught my eyes too but I have chosen my safety rather than breaking my hip. LOL...

Few fallen pine cones caught my eyes, this season is not for pine cones so it was an unusual scenario for me to see fallen pine cones on the snow. Lonely pine cone somehow survived in heavy winter and was fallen down apart before spring...

I have written before that life is not a bed of roses and life journey is full of challenges. You will face difficulties in every step of your life and you have to struggle for your own existence. Basically, you have to overcome all the challenges and problems and survive. If you fall back, you are done because the modern world is all about race and accepting challenges.

When I look back to 2020, I see a survival life and a fearful mind because of the pandemic coronavirus situation. Last year of March, I heard about the effects of COVID19 for the first time and suddenly everything changed. We learned how to survive, cope up with life situations, and how to stay safe. Still, we are dealing with the Corona Virus effects afterward.

Many lost their jobs, many lost their loved ones. Many people are corona survival and they saw and felt the most painful moments in their life. But still, every one of us trying to come back to our normal life by moving forward because, in the end, we have to survive...



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Original post written by @priyanarc...
All the pictures used are captured by the author...

This post also can be found here: https://peakd.com/hive-165469/@priyanarc/undying-will-to-survive-thoughts-of-the-day

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Story, Blog, Blogging, ...
