Toxic Social Media

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...

Recently, I have been going through a lot, most of them are physical issues, some are stresses. But one thing I always keep in mind and that is I should be grateful because maybe somewhere in the world, someone is having the worst situation than me, but they are smiling and living life with the flow. I was reviewing the stories of Insta gram, whenever I feel sad, I just check them for entertainment. An interesting story came in front of me, a girl wrote it. She wrote: " I always try to avoid social media because it is toxic". She easily wrote her feelings maybe she wrote her judgment about social media but that one sentence put me into deep thoughts.

To be honest, I also feel that social media is toxic. It becomes toxic when you fail to differentiate between your personal and social world. Nowadays people are deeply involved in the world of social media. I felt people are into some kind of competition where they want to do a showoff, that's it... I am not saying that social media has no advantages, of course, it has. What I am saying is when an individual is deeply connected with social media and starts leading life according to that, it becomes toxic.

Social media is full of different types of people including trolls. trolls will spread toxicity and some people start throwing their judgment by justifying an individual through social media. Let's talk about a teenager. A few days ago I met a teenager who is very conscious about her looks and style. Moreover, all she does in life is based on her social media profile. Her intention is to look good in front of her followers and she always wants to create a good impression on her social media profile. Everything is related to her social media profile, her mind is always into what people will say after seeing her status, how people will react, how much popularity she has gained so far, etc. Pardon me, if I said anything wrong, I am writing my thoughts...

I feel somehow due to the trend of social media, we are losing our own real world. We forget that the social media world is not our own world, the real world is waiting for us out there. But nowadays nobody cares. Toxic people spread toxicity in social media, harass people, they take advantage of an individual by hiding their real identity. Even I have heard some people went into depression due to the toxicity of social media. I also don't wanna see so many happy things all at once, it makes me feel bad and I feel loser by asking myself what I have done for myself. At some point, I feel I have done nothing for myself and I end up doubting my ability.

I know social media is not everything, I know what I see is not everything but for a while, I just lose my mind and lose control of myself. I know this is not enough, we all are mature and we understand everything. But think about those who decide their lifestyle based on social media. You will get all the answers...



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Original post written by @priyanarc...
All the pictures used are captured by the author...

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$ 0.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...


During the start of the pandemic, Everything was on social media- news, trends, and what not. However the toxicity that I'm feeling was from the covid situation, the uncertainties and the longing for real life interaction. I had to deactivate my account and found peace in the farm.

Truly, social media can be toxic. And when you feel the need to disconnect, feel free to do so. always choose yourself, in all ways.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly, you are absolutely right, I agree on your points and yes during covid fake news destroyed many people's life...

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3 years ago