The Light among Darkness...

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Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Photography, Photo, Life, Blog, Writing, ...

For a very long time, I haven't work on dark theme mode, besides its spring and when nature holds so much color for us, I personally don't think I should abandon the beauty of those colors and turn a picture into a dark mode. Dark and matte effects are always my favorite and I love to play with these effects. I know many don't like this type of picture besides it's hard to manage light and shadow in dark mode...

Today I was thinking why not play with my pictures once again!! It's been a long time since I haven't play with dark mode and was kind of missing my own photo-editing style. Everyone has their own preference and I am not a pro. I just use my own smartphone to take these pictures and edit them however I want to. It's kind of soothing refreshing feelings plus it also keeps my mind busy into something creative and unique...

I have started my editing by choosing this lonely dandelion flower. I have chosen dark effects to blur the entire background and just wanted to put full focus on this flower. I also played with yellow color to make it visible vibrant among the darkness. I tried to achieve the color by working on luminance and color contrast.

This picture was too bright so for me, it was not so easy to come up with this result but I am pretty happy with how it turned out and also tried to play with light as well. Especially I wanted to focus on the plant and the light...

This photo is quite different and I wanted to play with it more but it was too bright and I failed to handle the dark mode. That's my personal judgment on my work...

Last but not least this apricot flower branch and I personally feel this is not what I wanted to achieve. I wanted to work with white color more but I need to figure that out more...Overall I feel that this picture is a complete disaster and I think the colorful version is much better than this one...

I have used adobe lightroom for editing these pictures and used my Samsung Galaxy S20 ultra to take these pictures...

Thanks for stopping by...



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Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Photography, Photo, Life, Blog, Writing, ...
