Start loving yourself...

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3 years ago
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We, humans, are very special and extraordinary even every individual is very special and unique from each other. You are you, there is no other person like you on this earth. Everyone deserves to be loved; not by the people around us but also by ourselves. We often fail to love ourselves, in fact, many of us don't know properly how to love ourselves.

There is a misconception among people when it comes to talking about self-love, people think about self-absorb or self-obsession as well. But honestly speaking there is nothing more important than you and your soul deserves to be loved by you. It's hard to practice but once you start loving yourself, you will learn to give love to others as well.

It took me a long time to understand what is self-love, I was aware of self-care but not specifically with self-love. From my understanding, I can say self-love is all about how you value yourself, how much priority you give yourself, and your thoughts. It's about showing care to yourself and understand yourself. As a brown girl, I used to feel insecure about my skin color. I used to feel devastated, broken, and inferior thinking why I am brown, why I am not pale or white? So, you see where was my insecure level and I could never completely admire myself before. I was not ready to accept myself. I had several complaints about my color and skin and as a result, I could never love myself...

So, self-love is all about accepting yourself...

Self-love is not about self-absorption or being narcissistic or obsessed with yourself, it's about getting close to yourself, wish for well-being and happiness in life. Sometimes we should think out of the box and broaden our minds to explore instead of limiting our beliefs. Believe me, you will see the shiny side of life once you open up yourself and free your mind.

Positivity always helps and if you start motivating yourself with positivity and admire yourself, you will notice some changes in life. Your whole perspective will change gradually when you start giving priority to yourself. Think of yourself as beautiful and there is nothing wrong with that.

We are not perfect and we all have some imperfections but when you start accepting yourself, you will see the bright side of yourself. We always feel insecure about our outlooks, some of us are too conscious about looks but trust me, these are nothing. If you believe that you are beautiful, nothing will bother you at all...

Give yourself time and do some favor to yourself. A little bit of care and concern can bring huge changes to you. Sometimes praise yourself and if you do something good, reward yourself. Instead of thinking about others, think about yourself first. You can start taking care of your health and skin as well, fresh look always help to boost confidence.

Avoid toxic relationships and toxic people, surround yourself with positive people who will encourage your work. Toxic environments always create negativity and demotivate an individual, it's an unhealthy atmosphere. Beauty is undefined and nothing can perfectly define beauty so better focus on your own well-being... Remember, nobody is perfect...

I am glad that now I know who am I and how to adore me. It was not so easy in fact still I work on myself. Before anyone else, I critic on my action and I am the first one who criticizes myself, that helps me to improve myself and to know myself better than anybody else...



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Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...
