Spending the weekend with my dog...

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3 years ago
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I have written before that my labrador girl is sick for the past few days, she was suffering from an allergenic issue, and also a lump is growing on her face. She is on a special diet now and for her eyes, the doctor recommended eye drops to keep her eyes clean. She always has red eyes so I took her last week for a check-up. Today I also took her for an eye check-up and for ultrasonography. Her ultrasonography is good, the result is okay but her eyes healed a little bit.

Today the doctor recommended many things and a special diet for her for the next one month and also I have to keep her under observation. If allergy continues, we have to be ready for the next step which is a blood test and a different sample test for surgery... I hope she will heal soon. I am kinda upset learning and hearing about her condition but I really hope she will be fine.

Her medicines and treatment cost is expensive, to be honest, sometimes I feel I can't afford that large cost any more if it continues. She is my companion and my responsibility and I always want the best for her. There are inexpensive government veterinary clinics as well but I want to give her the best treatment. The doctor was friendly and nice and also recommended good things for her. She is not having any kind of stomach issue, only her eyes are causing her little irritation. That's why I have to keep it clean and wet always. I am giving her hypoallergenic food and the doctor recommended to me to continue that. Really expensive food to be honest...

Gigi is a very playful labrador and easily can make anyone happy. She is super active and her long legs help her to run so fast. Whenever she is outside, she starts running so fast and always wants to away from me and never care what others are doing around. If I don't use a leash for her, she will run away for sure...

Today I have got Pullar Midi for her, she seemed to like it. It helps her to keep her busy and helps her to interact with me more. I noticed that today and she stays closer to me and comes back with it when I throw...

Last year, I have taken a lot of pictures with Dandelion so this year I took pictures of my Dog. Meadows are really green and Gigi enjoys sniffing around. This is her first spring and I hope she is getting a good experience of this world.

I really hope things will be better and I hope next weekend I will be able to relax without any stress. This weekend will be stressful and intense for me for sure. I have to deal with other personal stuff as well. It seems like this will be the busiest weekend...



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Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...
