Out of the Shell - Thoughts of the Day

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...

We, humans always love to stay in a shell or in limited boundaries. Mostly fear, discomfort always stop us to get out of the comfort zone so as a result, we create a barrier around us that looks like an invisible shell. Some of us also don't like changes because changes bring something new which is hard to accept. Even some societies still afraid of accepting changes thinking that the history or the tradition might be destroyed. Of course, the world is changing as well as people. This happened because people took steps to get out of their comfort zone and tried to bring innovative ideas that changed the whole world's perspective.

In my opinion, it is necessary to think out of the box or out of the comfort zone. But my dad is not ready to accept any changes due to social and cultural barriers. That is the difference between me and my dad's thoughts. Perhaps, he is in fear of accepting the changes but on the other hand, I feel some changes are necessary for life for good. To be honest, if I haven't take decisions out of the box or out of my comfort zone, I won't be able to discover myself.

3 years ago I did something for myself, out of my comfort zone, knowing that the result might be worst. It was necessary and the decision I have taken 3 years ago, was right.

It is true that most of the time, we decide to stay in the comfort zone. This happens because either we don't want to accept challenges or we are just in fear. Or perhaps, we just want to stay in comfort because taking challenges can be a hectic and hard decision too.

But why we should come out of our comfort zone :

The answer is very simple, to explore ourselves, to bring changes in life. We can never change our lives until we step out of our zone. Changes start at the end of our comfort zone and this is the reality. I have realized that when I am far away from my own zones, I explore and discover myself more. My vision becomes more clear and the aim of my life becomes more strong. My small baby step changed everything. I won't say everything was smooth and fruitful; no way; life is no a bed of roses. But whatever happened, the result was positive in the end.

Look at your life, think for a while about it, there must be something that will make you think twice, maybe something that will encourage you to think out of the box. Innovation and unique ideas come when you will be able to broaden your mind; when you will think out of the shell.

Your one baby step can change the world, remember that...

Be honest with yourself and ask yourself what exactly you want for yourself. If you are satisfied with yourself, then I guess, changes don't matter to you.

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”



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Original post written by @priyanarc...
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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...
