My Sunday At Freedom Square

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...

A sudden plan always good, it gives me joy and pleasure for a while and it is necessary too in life. I am not a girl who likes the sudden plan but sometimes I don't mind. I always wait for the weekend, I feel relaxed, to be honest. Weekdays are the busiest days in life and I often wait that when Saturday and Sunday will be here so that I can take a deep breath and sleep tight. Recently, I am feeling weak. A few days ago, I felt suddenly that my entire energy level had been drained and I just wanted to lie down on my bed and wanted to sleep throughout the day.

So, yesterday all of a sudden I decided to go to the city center for a walk. I thought that maybe I can go to the park for a long walk and to feel nature. The weather was nice, 13 degrees celsius pleasant atmosphere...

I took the metro and my destination was " Universitiete Metro Station ". The sky was full of dark clouds and it seemed like about to rain but it was not raining at all. The south breeze was pleasant to inhale and after reaching I noticed fewer people on the square. Lockdown is over but People prefer parks and usual places to walk around nowadays. All shops were closed except the pubs, coffee shops, and restaurants. I felt good walking on Freedom Square after a long time...

While walking on the pedestrian, I noticed that this girl was sitting lazily with her cute pony. Then I noticed many girls were standing with their ponies and horses nearby. Basically, Kids love to ride ponies and whenever they see ponies, they want to touch and ride on them. These girls are the owner of the pony... Of course, you have to pay for the ride...

Due to lockdown and covid situation, they are not getting enough customers. Besides people don't feel safe so right now they don't earn much. They wait for the customers from the morning till night, competition is there so sometimes they earn, sometimes they don't...Mostly colleague students or school students do this work...

This girl found a customer... Hahaha... Coffeeshops are doing great, there were customers but not like weekdays. On weekdays, many students come here for coffee from the nearby universities. But everything seemed quiet due to the Covid19 situation...

This is a random picture, I have taken it to show you how beautiful spring looks like. Nature looks so fresh and relaxing and after 6 months of cold winter, people can finally walk freely without any barrier or hesitation...

My outfit of the Day...

$ 0.56
$ 0.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...
