Magical Aisles of City Garden of Shevchenko, Kharkiv, Ukraine

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3 years ago
Topics: Travel, Photography, Life, Blog, Writing, ...

If you are bored with your monotonous life, just go outside and close to nature. Winter is boring, snowy covered streets, parks, and windy weather almost make life difficult to explore. Staying at home probably not a good idea during the weekend but due to harsh weather, I was forced to stay at home. It was heavily snowing in the past couple of weeks and I waited for the sunny day. It was a continuous snowfall and many parts of the country covered with a white blanket of snow.

But this week was warm and snow started melting. The temperature still fluctuates but warmer than before. During winter I don't find anything to do except exploring some nearest parks. Easy for me to go close to nature rather than exploring the exciting parts of the city or mountains, lakes. I wanted to do skiing but perhaps I have to wait because the snow already melted. So, if there is more snow, probably I will go skiing.

Today I had decided to spend my afternoon in the central park which is also known as Shevchenko city garden. Because of winter, you won't be able to see the garden until spring but you will be able to see the beautiful landscapes, gazebos, and enormous old trees with no leaves. The sun rays were soft and were creating a golden charming moment. The sky was clear blue so both soft sun rays and the sky created a beautiful enjoyable ambient.

Beautiful rays of sunlight were peaking through the tree trunks and were painted a beautiful picture of shadows on the walkway. The walkway seemed like a never-ending journey and I wish I could have held this moment with me forever...

Looks at the perspective of the building, bright sunlight created a mesmerizing golden elevation. So pretty...

Due to winter, children's parks looked empty because parents prefer to keep their kids at home. But honestly speaking I was feeling good walking on the empty pathways. I felt like the sun rays were showering blessings on me...

This part of the park has renovated recently. There are sitting arrangements for the visitors and this zone is known as a garden area. All walkways of the park are connected to this zone and a huge concrete square has been created. Another part of this is square is connected to the Shevchenko Monument which is located beside the main street. The sunrays were reflecting on the white-gray concrete and everything was turned out golden suddenly...

I have enjoyed my walk a lot, forgot my stress for a while and nature offered so many things to me. I just grabbed it and tried to find my inner peace...



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Original post written by @priyanarc...
All the pictures used are captured by the author...

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3 years ago
Topics: Travel, Photography, Life, Blog, Writing, ...
