Glorious and blissful morning- I have found a tiny Bird Feeder...

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Story, Experience, ...

People say spring is the perfect time to wander around. During winter, people feel like a prisoner who waits to be released. After all long snowy winter looks monotonous. We, those who belong to the Winterfell always wait for the signs of spring. After all, we wanna see the colors and we want to buy some tulips and daffodils to feel the vibes of spring.

Otherwise, our life seems like the life of a white walker.

As the shadows shrink, the ampere-hours of light are rising apace. From green flower beds chilly daffodils, tulips, and Siberian squill greeting at us. The clear sky is even getting bluer and creating a beautiful, pleasant sight scenario around us to relish. These are the pure complete signs of spring arrival. It's March, so Spring has already started to revive nature and to share its charm.

Recently, I have noticed something strange about me - Mood Swing. Somehow, I feel my surrounding put a great influence on my mood swing. Good weather and a productive day always make me happy and I feel good when I go outside for a walk with Gigi. Today I woke up at 7'O clock. My spring and summer routine is completely different from winter. I am less productive and lazy during winter and don't wanna go out often. Mesmerizing the south breeze and pleasant surroundings always inspire me to go out and enjoy every moment of life.

Today while walking with my dog, I have ended up in the courtyard of an elementary school. A nice public school for kids that starts at 9 am in the morning.

I also have noticed a beautiful orchard of apple and apricot trees. Spring is the season when the flowers start blooming. Soon these trees would be full of flowers and later during summer, these trees will be full of fruits. While walking on the narrow path-way I have noticed this beautiful, small wooden birdhouse feeder. This was a handmade little birdhouse feeder.

I only imagine soon there will be more birds that will start roaming around this birdhouse feeder and will start tweeting. They will fly here and there, will roam around freely, and will eat the fruits as well as much as possible. Maybe, soon there will be water pots for birds during summer.

I have never seen a small handmade birdhouse feeder in person, this was the first time I was looking at it...

Maybe this tiny birdhouse feeder has made by a school-going kid, perhaps it was a school project, I am not so sure but I have seen 4-5 birdhouses there hanging from the tree branches. Looking at the scale of the birdhouse feeder, I think it is made by a creative child. These are only my lazy mind's assumptions.

Soon a teacher came out of the school and told me that the school is going to start. Time to leave ...

Gigi and I, both had decided to walk around for another hour. After all, we both were enjoying our walk. The mighty sun was showering the blissful sunrays over us and the clear blue sky was walking with us as well. It was not a dream nor an illusion, it was the reality of life. the colors of the spectrum had created a golden moment among these willows. I couldn't resist myself to take a picture. The atmosphere was clean, fresh, and the blue sky had produced an image of a closer horizon. It was such a refreshing morning walk...



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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Story, Experience, ...


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