Generation Gap

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Blogging, ...

Argument and family drama is something which I try to avoid always, one of the reasons for my frustration is family drama or I should say society drama. No matter how much I try to avoid the debate and drama, I often ended up being in those situations...

My cultural background and society are different, kind of complex, and full of confusion. Also, everybody pays attention to other's current situations instead of focusing on their own situation - the main purpose of my society. After my mom's death, my small nuclear family is completely broken and then the drama has started. Before my mom used to deal with the entire family dramas but after her, it was only us who have to deal with such circumstances.

I ended up my morning with an argument and it was with dad. Of course, the generation gap and long-distance creation have created a lot of confusion so far. It's hard to express opinions in front of someone who is not ready to understand. So, somehow our conversation has ended in an ungracious way and overall my mood has become like a boiled chicken. Here, I have to mention that we both were right from our own point of view, we are just not ready to understand each other's situation. I feel like my dad's expectations are growing every single day and probably he won't ever feel proud of me. His complaints always make me feel like a failure as a human. Maybe he is right, probably I never tried to understand his point of view as a parent.

Moreover, as I live far away from him, so often I failed to make him understand my situation and my point of view.

I don't expect anything from anyone nowadays. I have realized that you shouldn't expect too much from an individual. As I have said, I am not a parent yet so I guess, I will not understand my dad's perspective at least, for now, so let it stay like this. I feel the generation gap is something that makes any situation more complicated. Somehow I felt our conversation was not fruitful at all instead we both felt offended and insulted.

So, I decided to let the situation stay like this because nothing can't be done now...

I was not in the mood of doing anything productive, besides the entire situation made me upset too so I decided to go out to the nearest cafe. I needed a cup of nice coffee so I went out to the nearest coffee shop. I have said before that I always prefer a small coffee shop for myself. Besides my mind was full of negativity and I needed to be calm down.

This was the scenario of the coffee shop. I enjoyed a stunning sunny day scenario while having a cup of coffee. The sightseeing was visible through the large glass clear window...

The girl who served me my type of coffee was polite and she managed to understand my broken Russian Language. Yes, I would say my Russian accent has developed more than before but still I am not a fluent speaker. I still feel confused about some letter and end up pronouncing incorrect way.

Anyway, the 4th lockdown will start in Kharkiv on Saturday, restaurants, clubs, schools will remain closed but public transportation will remain the same. Corona is still affecting many people's lives and making them miserable.

Stay Safe



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Original post written by @priyanarc...
All the pictures used are captured by the author...

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Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Blogging, ...
