Beginning of a new chapter...

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Story, Blog, Writing, Experiences, ...

Once every 365 days, the spontaneous moment where I decide to completely encompass myself in the beauty of being me appears. I let the world appreciate the quirky, weird, beautiful, imperfect me for what I am. It's the rarest day on my calendar. Which comes only when the earth has completed its rotation around the sun, relative to my own calendar. In this day, I get the strength to tear away the shackles of putting on a mask that others may appreciate, and instead, I choose it to be one where I can enjoy the pure ecstasy that comes from not pandering to what some arbitrary person may like, who may or may not play a part of my life, but what I, myself will truly enjoy

A day where all the bustling of the world turns silent and a peaceful humming begins.

I feel like I deserve it, or at least I should since it's the day I was born with the challenge to make this life my own..

My mom used to celebrate my birthday when I was young. She used to bake a cake for me and used to buy new clothes and color pencil sets for me. My dad was never involved in this gifting tradition. I was my mom's favorite so my mom tried to fulfill all of my wishes. When I was young my mom used to arrange the cake cutting ceremony. But later everything changed. This is my childhood story and now the situation is different. Nobody now bakes a cake for me...

This year's scenario is quite different and the pocket is also tight. So, I have decided to celebrate my day in a unique way. No more expensive restaurant, no more party even I don't like doing hardcore party so instead of doing crazy things I decided to explore a location where I never been before. I said before that Kharkiv is a big city and still I am not familiar with the entire Kharkiv Oblast.

It was my day so a photoshoot is a must after all I was the birthday girl. This time I have selected a unique location called " Sumskaya Rynok ", a marketplace. Instead of cake, I have chosen a cup of coffee. Yes, coffee is my go-to drink but this is me. My first choice was the park but the cold wind didn't allow me so I have chosen an enclosure.

But yes, the cake was there, after all my boyfriend wanted to celebrate my day. Obviously, my wish was to go to some kind of calm quiet place but due to the COVID19 situation, I was not so sure whether I can travel or not.

There was a difference, a huge difference. I was missing my friends with whom I grew up, with whom I love to spend time. Anyway, officially I am a full-grown woman and need to settle down. After all, time is flying...

When I was a kid I used to think I will get married and will have a kid by this time frame but now I think am I that much old!!! Obviously, age is just a number and because of the expectation from our society, we feel that way. From our childhood, our society sets some rules for us to make us feel that we have to do something otherwise we are a failure. Just like completing some tasks in a specific time frame. Somehow I feel, this kind of thinking is some kind of pressure and nobody knows how an individual gonna lead his/her life, what will happen in life. Is it possible to fulfill all expectations? I don't think so.

I have my personal goals and I am completely focusing on them. I can't fulfill everyone's expectations and I am not building myself to fulfill any kind of tasks set by others. Rules are meant to be broken...

Every day I wake up with new motivation and inspiration, every day I think about myself, my goals. Still, a long way to go and I can't wait to start a new chapter of my life, another rock and roll journey. I can feel the differences between 20 and 30 and I am ready for it...



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Original post written by @priyanarc...
All the pictures used are owned by the author...

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Avatar for priyanarc
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Story, Blog, Writing, Experiences, ...
