Be Your Best

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2 years ago
Topics: Information, Lesson

Your craft is your art, its also your act, the action you engage in everyday or most days of the week, its what you are known for, if you can dance well, people readily announce you as a dancer, same goes for the singers, as well as the field worker in any discipline, whether you are an engineer, doctor, farmer, teacher e.t.c whatever your handiwork or should we just say craft may be, it almost fully becomes your identity. Its a good thing to know your craft and likely become an expert in it. the great book says "study to show thyself approved, a workman not needed to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" in any field of endeavor, someone must be well enlightened so as to be successful in such craft, people are prone to patronizing the best.

Another thing to consider in knowing your craft is your signature. As the name implies its your unique identity, something peculiar to you alone. Everyone can drum, but when you mount the drum set, can people tell of a unique difference, people should be able to recognize your craft, and even try to emulate it. More reason if your signature is easy and can be quick uncovered, work hard to make it complex, something the younger generation would see worthy of trying. Thus automatically gives you recognition and places you higher than many else as you poses a unique signature to your craft and a complex one at day.

Pick a successful mentor in your field and follow closely. A successful mentor is likely to have failed more times than the not quite successful, because the reason why they aren't yet successful as nature would teach is owing to the fact that they haven't given much time to practice or experiment, so likewise they haven't failed enough, nor do they known the way out to successful. So select the successful, cause they are more likely to predict the outcome of your move since sometimes ago they already tried it out. It easily encourages you to never give up, as you have a mentor and guardian.

Go the extra, the next step is seeing a bigger picture than all else, think expansion, think exposure, think international, think Scarry, all of the worlds inventions are firstly birthed in the mind. Nothing just emanates from anywhere, it all start with your thoughts, and if you surround yourself with people of shallow minds, it has a way of stressing you before your opinion would be officially taken. So ones mind has to be carefully trained, and nursed to higher capacity acceptance. To what extent one can go in life is mainly dependent on how much his mind has been trained to accept. How mind blowing are ones dreams and aspirations or are we comfortable with our sleep and awakening.

To meet the mark of relevancy in life, one must learn in craft and try to be the best in it, imagine the world of football, so many players are the on the field but all the players aren't receiving same salary, rather individual salaries are paid in order of your relevance, and public rating. Many players have started their career on a lesser pay but have successfully proven themselves, now currently earning higher than most people they met on the field playing. Its all about learning your craft and be the best you can be.

Lastly sell yourself, what's the need of posing if you aren't gonna take a photo, similarly what's the need for learning your craft and working hard if we aren't gonna think about showing it to the world at least, we all owe our fair share of contribution to the world we are living, and mind you, its not by getting any item to offer to any deity, rather its by using your talents and gift well and being truly productive. Then you can come out boldly to say, I know my craft!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Information, Lesson
