quotes on success to motivate yourself!

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2 years ago

One hundred and thirty quotes about success, that's what motivates you! We all have our idea of ​​success. Thus, in this article you will find quotes about professional success, personal success, mistakes and obstacles that one finds on the way to success. These positive quotes talk about failure and risks which are usually just one step towards success, but they also talk about perseverance in achieving goals.

Finally, belief in yourself and passion for your projects are the key to success! As we know, success is often the result of our habits, our state of mind (the famous "mind"), or even our decisions and actions. So, for sure, these 140 motivational success quotes will give you a boost to take action and achieve your own success. Starting.

Quotes on the road to success: patience and perseverance, keys to success :

“It doesn't matter if the beginning seems small. "

Henri david thoreau

“If you look closely, most overnight successes take a long time. "

Steve Jobs

“Those who give up never win, those who win never give up. "

Napoleon hill

"Success is falling seven times, getting up eight. "

Japanese proverb

“Patience is the key to success. "

Bill gates

“The path to success is to take firm, determined action. "

Anthony robbins

“A great journey always begins with the first step. "

Lao Tzu

Success is a journey, not a destination. "

Arthur ashe

“Success doesn't come at the end of the road. He is in your very process. "

Francois Garagnon

“The essential conditions for success are patience and the certainty of success. "

John Davidson Rockefeller

“Great things are not achieved by force but by perseverance. "

Samuel johnson

“Stubbornness is the path to success. "

Charlie Chaplin

“The greatest and important things in the world are often accomplished by people who keep trying until there is no more hope. "

Dale carnegie

“A river cuts the rock not because of its strength but rather because of its persistence. "

Jim watkins

“Our greatest weakness is giving up. The surest way to be successful is always to just try one more time. "

Thomas edison

“The path to success is through the continuous learning of new knowledge. "

Napoleon hill

"Don't judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I've fallen and got up again. "

Nelson Mandela

“Sometimes the biggest enemy of our success tomorrow is our success today. "

John C. Maxwell

Quotes about career success and success at work:

“Success comes first from being at work when others go fishing. "

Jean de La Fontaine

“Success belongs to everyone. The credit goes to teamwork. "

Franck Piccard

"Success: 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. "

Thomas edison

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day. "

Leo robert necklace

“A career is built on failures as well as successes. "

Jean Éthier-Blais

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. "

Vidal sassoon

“Success in any career depends more on character than intelligence. "

Jules Payot

“The secret to success is doing the daily chore a little better than the day before. "

Jules Payot

“A winner is someone who has identified their talents, worked hard to develop them, and used those abilities to accomplish their goals. "

Larry bird

“Being successful in life and being successful in life are two different things. "

Kent nagano

“The art of success is knowing how to surround yourself with the best. "

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“When you want to build a boat, do not first collect wood, cut planks and distribute work, but awaken among men the desire for the great and wide sea. "

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“To be successful in this changing world, you must capture the minds of the great people of the past, whose dreams have given civilization all that it holds. "

Napoleon hill

Motivational quotes to believe in your successes, in yourself, in your goals and in your dreams:

“Believe in your dreams and maybe they will come true. Believe in yourself and they will surely come true. "

Martin Luther King

“People become truly remarkable when they start to think that they can accomplish great things. Believing in yourself is the number one secret to success. "

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

"You can accomplish anything in life if you have the courage to dream it, the intelligence to make it a realistic project, and the will to see this project come to fruition. "

Sidney A. Friedman

“The first step is to establish that something is possible; then the probability will occur. "

Elon musk

"Believe in yourself, in humanity, in the success of your businesses. Don't be afraid of anything or anyone. "

Baroness Staffe

“Every successful person had a dream and pursued it to the end. "

Anthony robbins

“It doesn't matter who you are or who you have been, you can be whoever you want. "

W. Clement Stone

“For most of us, the danger is not in aiming too high and missing the mark, but in aiming too low and hitting it. "


“Success is not a goal, but a way to aim higher. "

Stone coubertin

"Self-confidence is already getting more than half of your next success. "

Jean Gastaldi

“A lot of my success has come from being able to convince myself that I can do something, even if I don't know anything about it. "

Anthony robbins

“What you get by achieving our goals is not as important as what you get by achieving them. "

Zig Ziglar

"You don't have to think about what you want to achieve, you just have to think about moving forward. This is how, by dint of moving forward, you achieve or double your goals without even realizing it. "

Bernard werber

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