Unstake Wax - is it even possible!

0 1103

So i've been playing around with NFTs on the WAX blockchain and it's been a pretty cool experience. I use Atomic Hub primarily to store and trade tokens and there are a ton of fun and interesting assets on there to buy and participate in the NFT world. Everything's great but I am having some trouble unstaking my Wax on wax.io. I wanted to try staking wax and see how much rewards I earn but the moment I was done playing and I wanted to stop staking, I don't see an option or any way to even do it.

Does anyone else on here use wax.io and know how to do it? I have attached a screenshot. I tried to contact the team on discord but I haven't had much luck in terms of support from them.

If you are also on the platform and want to trade tokens, let me know. My Wax address is wk.aw.wam The good thing with the Wax blockchain is that their addresses are short and can be remembered.

Also if you are in the NFT space, which ones are you personal favorite? What do you collect and which ones do you think will gain value in the future?

$ 0.40
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of potta
