Theta - Your buff tray is full

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Theta has been one of my favorite crypto products to use since the beginning of their launch. You get crypto for watching videos where you act as a seeder (in the old torrent terminology) to act as an edge location and if I got it right, serve the people closest to your geographic area. In addition to all that Theta has some really fun channels like NASA, CoinDesk and also The Bad Crypto podcast which are my personal favorites on the platform.

They also give out a reward if you login every day, sometimes NFTs, sometimes coins and sometimes some really cool emotes which you can use in the chatrooms. Since i'm very regular on the platform, I collect as many rewards as I can in addition to the TFuel that you earn on the platform.

I recently noticed that while I was collecting my daily stuff, I ran into this error which says "ERROR - Your buff tray is full". I am not sure what this is and how do I get rid of this error. Maybe I need to use up some stuff in my buff tray but I am not sure exactly how.

Also if you're not on the platform yet, you can use my link to join.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @andrianlover
Sponsors of potta


continue to take the prizes and save then invest in attractive tokens

$ 0.00
3 years ago