The Oracle - TikTok merger is final!

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3 years ago

Last weekend, Oracle confirmed it had won a bid to become the "trusted technology partner" to TikTok. Oracle is a tech dinosaur known for selling database solutions to behemoth corporations, while TikTok is an app used by Generation Z for lerning the latest viral dance moves, boycotting the POTUS Donald Trump's political rallies, and everything in between.

 While it seems that no one knows exactly what a trusted technology partner does (including us), Oracle will start by providing TikTok with hosting services. Oracle will store user data, but ByteDance, the China-based parent company of TikTok, will still oversee and operate the app.

 The arrangement raises numerous questions around the management of data privacy. The partnership does not give Oracle control over TikTok’s algorithm, leading some to fear that China could still exploit the app for nefarious purposes.

 The proposed deal now heads to the Senate’s Committee on Foreign Investment, whose approval is by no means a sure thing. 

 “We remain opposed to any deal that would allow China-based or controlled entities to retain, control or modify the code or algorithms that operate any U.S.-based version of TikTok,” Senator Marco Rubio wrote in a letter on Wednesday.

“OK boomer,” replied TikTok fans.

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Although Tik Tok seems almost evil,
(this I well know from personal exposure)
it can also be used for good communication.
I do suspect it is one of CCP's 'Trojan horse' collection.
What solves a 'Trojan Horse' problem is understanding and outwitting the mechanism.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think it was proven that it was CCPs Trojan horse after the recent iOS upgrade where tiktok seemed to have copied some data from users clipboards etc. I can find that exact article for you. But yes this is a good compromise. Allowing a US company to oversee its operations here and safeguard users data is a good move.

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3 years ago

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