Pump some BCH into read.cash users accounts?

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4 years ago

While the governments around the world inject trillions of dollars into their countries to boost the economies, it seems like it would be good for read.cash to also pump some BCH into the system to users (maybe active ones) so they can actively participate in tipping, boosting posts etc.

What do you guys think?

Make BCH Great Again! lol

In all seriousness, it would be nice if users either have a faucet that they can go to, to periodically receive some BCH or the platform itself maybe rewards its most active users so they can actively participate in the platform. Just my 2 sats!

$ 0.00
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It a good thouvht but man everything does always comes for free this days. I dont think this will work near or far

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I didn't understand what you intended to say.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Where would that BCH come from that we'll give out? Governments can print money and give it out - it costs nothing to the government, but people pay for these bailouts in the form of inflation (more money = less valuable each piece of money is), doesn't work with BCH.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I understand but I was referring to some way in which users can get some BCH so they can put it back into the system by either things like faucets or helping moderate content for rewards etc

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Faucets get their money from showing you ads and these bring in very-very little. You'd have to see a lot of ads to get even $0.01, probably like an hour of ads. We are not aware of any sites that give any reasonable amounts of BCH for free. There's https://free.bitcoin.com/ that gives you a small amount of BCH once, but that's because of Roger Ver's (CEO of Bitcoin.com) generosity. That's about it. There's currently no way to get free Bitcoin Cash other than that - you need to either buy it with fiat (US dollars or other local currency) or earn it via some freelancing sites (not very popular option too, most of active freelancing sites are paying in US dollars).

$ 0.00
4 years ago