Positive Crypto News of the day - 11/24/2020

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3 years ago
  • Ethereum 2.0 has met the staking requirements and is all set for the Dec 1 launch. I have been following this tracker closely and it took a huge leap from about 60% to 100%

  • PayPal CEO Dan Schulman in an interview with CNBC's Squawk Box said that there will be more utility of crypto currencies over time and they might be used more and more as currencies. He seemed pretty bullish on his outlook of crypto.

  • Some Binance US users have received notifications of closure of accounts and were given 14 days so if you have an account on Binance, you may want to double check it and make any transfers out if necessary.

  • Ampleforth has been added as a tipping token on Publish0x. Publish0x also plans to integrate other DeFi tokens into their platform in the future but for now they have started with $AMPL

$ 3.06
$ 3.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
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